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On Monday (01/08), during a speech at the plenary of the Supreme Court (STF), the Court’s President Luiz Fux said that the Brazilian democracy has one of the “most efficient, reliable and modern electoral systems in the world”. Fux also said that the court hopes that candidates respect their opponents in this year’s elections and that the election takes place with civility, peace and without incidents.
Resumption of Activities
This August, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) resumes the calendar of activities, after the July recess. The agenda of trials for the semester includes topics such as the new improbity law and requests for investigation against President Jair Bolsonaro.
Fear of Incidents
Fux’s talk about civility and peace in the elections is a reference to the recent incidents of political violence that have been appearing across the country. This phenomenon is a probable result of the current political polarization between right and left-wing groups, particularly of supporters of the current Federal Government and those aligned with the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT). Bomb attacks, drone attacks and even a political argument that ended with a murder were reported in July. Security forces have already started to reinforce the candidate’s security and they fear new incidents committed by political extremists.
Other Courts
The activities of other courts also resumed this August. During the reopening speech at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), on Monday (01/08) the court’s president, Minister Edson Fachin, said that “disqualifying the security of electronic voting machines” has the sole objective of “taking away from Brazilians the certainty that their vote is valid, and their will has been respected”.
On Thursday (04/08), Minister Fachin sent a message to thank Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco, who also made a speech in support of democracy and the Brazilian electoral system. On Wednesday (03/08), at the Senate plenary, Pacheco said that he has “full confidence” in the electoral system. He also stated that electronic voting machines are a reason for “national pride”.
Response to Criticisms from the Government
According to political commentators, the speeches are a response to President Jair Bolsonaro’s criticisms. In the past months, he has made criticisms against the ballot boxes and the Brazilian electoral system.