The police stations located in Pinheiros and Perdizes, wealthy neighborhoods in the west zone of São Paulo, registered a record in theft and theft, respectively, in the first five months of 2023. In addition to the two regions, police districts covering areas such as Itaim Bibi, Vila Olímpia, Moema, Campo Belo and Jardins also saw their records of crimes increase in 2023. A police chief said that there is a lack of police to investigate members of gangs specializing in attacking pedestrians and drivers, which results in more criminals on the streets. For him, there will only be an improvement in the scenario with the increase in the number of employees in the Civil Police, responsible for investigating crimes.

  • Data from the SSP (Secretary of Public Security) indicate an explosion in cases of robberies carried out in the 14th DP (Pinheiros). From January to May, 1,426 incidents involving the use of weapons or violence were recorded. It is the largest amount ever seen in the district since 2002, when the historic series began. Compared to last year there was a 4% increase in registrations. In Pinheiros, the number of thefts in the first five months of this year rose 52% in comparison with the same period of 2022.
  • Perdizes is another region with high crime rates. The neighborhood was responsible for registering 3,847 cases of theft this year, the highest number in two decades or 11% more than in 2022. On the other hand, the local police station recorded a 7% drop in the number of robberies.
  • The 15th DP (Itaim Bibi) had 885 cases of robberies in the first five months, a quantity inferior only to the years 2004 (966 records), 2003 (981) and 2002 (961). With regard to thefts, the civil police officers working in the district recorded 2,438 cases, a number 65% higher than that seen in a similar period from 2022. Like the West Zone, noble areas in the South Zone have also seen statistics increase.
  • The 27th DP (Campo Belo), which is responsible for Moema neighborhood, had a 7% increase in robberies in the comparison between 2023 and 2022. In the case of thefts, the increase was 10% from one period to the next.
  • The 96th DP, which also protects the neighborhood of Brooklin, the number of robberies went from 732 cases to 900 (23%) incidents in one year.

The number of deaths by the Military Police on duty increased by 24.2% from January to July this year compared to the same period in 2022, according to data from the Public Ministry disclosed on Tuesday (01). In the first seven months of the year, the first under the command of Governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans), 185 people were killed by military police officers at work, against 149 in the same months of 2022. year so far: 33.

In 2022, a total of 999,223 crimes targeting cell phones were reported in Brazil. The number is the result of 508,335 robberies, and 490,888 thefts. The state that led the ranking, in absolute numbers, was São Paulo, where a total of more than 300,000 cell phones were stolen by robbers or thieves, which represents 30% of the country’s total. In second place, Bahia had 83,433 occurrences of both types, around 8%. Compared with the number of people who live in each location, the regions with the highest rate of robbery and theft of cell phones per 100,000 inhabitants are Amazonas, with 1,015.1, and the Federal District with 1,008.3. The places that had the biggest increase compared to 2021 were Bahia, with a variation of 70.5%, and Rio de Janeiro, which increased by 58.6%. Former national secretary of public security José Vicente believes that these numbers should grow even more.

Our Analysis:

Numbers are expected to continue to grow strongly. Many factors drive this trend. Cel phones have a high value on the market, they are easy to be taken from people, especially due to people’s careless behavior on the streets. Even when they are not unlocked by the criminals, the devices are valuable, because it is possible to sell their parts. In addition, the phones are in high demand, thus it is easy to sell parts of the phone. Furthermore, the black market is not badly regarded by the population. Finally, with the financial applications on the phones, they are also targeted for the information they store.

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