Phone trafficking in São Paulo is a serious issue. According to a police survey, most of the stolen cell phones in the city are destined for countries where the devices are not blocked. In Africa for instance, no effective control establishes the prohibition of enabling stolen cell phones in another country, which becomes a very attractive market to receive these high-cost cell phones. In 2022, the Civil Police conducted two operations at the Guarulhos International Airport to seize stolen cellphones that were going abroad and 85 devices were inside suitcases, ready to leave the country.
Our analysis:
It is very important to avoid using your device when outside, on the streets, where there is a crowd. Indeed, it makes it easier for criminals to steal your device and to disappear among other pedestrians. If your device gets stolen, it is essential to report the crime because this will, first of all, formally inform the authorities about your situation and it can help to recover your phone. In addition, it will also help the police follow the criminal trends and know where to do operations, reinforce security and what to expect. Below, a summarized procedures to be followed when a cell phone is lost or stolen:
• The device must have its data immediately erased through the manufacturer’s application
• The bank(s) must be informed immediately to block apps, passwords and accounts
• The cell phone chip must be immediately cancelled, but first erase the data
• The phone’s IMEI must be blocked – an official complaint (BO) may be required by the phone company
• A crime report should be filed, prefer to do online (Boletim Eletrônico de Ocorrência)
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27/05/2022 – The police placed a snipper in the Cracolândia region, on the corner of Helvetia St. and São João AV., in the Central Zone of Sao Paulo, in the context of the Operação Caronte, aiming at pulverizing the presence of drug addicts to make it more difficult for the traffickers to hide in the flow.
28/05/2022 – During the Virada Cultural in Anhangabau, in the Central Zone of Sao Paulo, the Civil Police, the Military Police and the Metropolitain Civil Guard detained approximately 47 suspects and seized about 51 stolen cell phones with them. In addition, at least five event-goers were stabbed, but survived.
28/05/2022 – A man received threats from his neighbours after having filmed the police attacking a homeless woman with pepper spray and beatting her in Cracolândia, in the Central Zone of São Paulo. The neighbours are afraid that with these images, the police will not be willing to intervene anymore in the neigborhoud.
28/05/2022 – A man had his motorcycle stolen by two criminals on another motorcycle. The victim was shot in the chest by the two robbers in Clodomiro Amazonas St., in the South Zone of São Paulo. No further details on the victim’s health were shared.
28/05/2022 – A film crew had its equipment stolen when checking up into a hotel on Av. Vieira de Carvalho, in the Central Zone of São Paulo. The criminal stole a bag filled with equipment worth R$ 50.000 and replaced it for an empty one.
Our analysis:
Criminals are waiting for every opportunity they can have to get what they want and are ready to do anything to achieve their goal. It is then very important to always keep an eye on your belongings, to keep them close to you or to have someone you can trust to keep them if your attention needs to be put on something else. You can never be sure of people who are around you and of their intentions. If you find yourself in a similar situation as the film crew mentioned above, it is recommended to take your bags with you, and keep them on your shoulders or between your legs. Even inside a hotel or an airport there are risks. Despite the security in these areas, there are specialized gangs that are used to operate in such facilities.
28/05/2022 – A 40-year-old man was arrested at night after stabbing and killing another 34-year-old man in República, in the Central Zone. The crime happened in Guaianases St., at around 23h40. According to the Department of Public safety, the case is not related to the Virada Cultural, which happened during the same weekend.
30/05/2022 – A 56-year-old black man was arrested by agents of the Metropolitan Civil Guard for drug trafficking in Ana Cintra St., in Santa Cecilia, in the Central Zone of São Paulo. While first images filmed by a witness showed the man being tortured by police officers – one policeman placing his knee on the suspect’s neck during the arrest, and another one taking drug out of the police car and placing it next to the suspect during the arrest – new images testify that the victim was really in possession of drug at first. Surveillance cameras showed indeed the suspect getting rid of the drug few minutes before his arrest. The suspect was released before the judge could see the video surveillance’s images.
30/05/2022 – A couple was walking with its dog at night when the animal escaped in Morumbi, in the South Zone of São Paulo. While looking for the animal around Bendeirantes Palace, headquarters of the State government, the couple was robbed by armed criminals on a motorcycle. A military policeman who was guarding the palace witnessed the incident and a shootout happened. One of the criminals died and the other managed to escape. The police officer was also wounded.
31/05/2022 – A man was caught twice harassing women on public transportation in the Guaianases region, in the East Zone of São Paulo. The second time he was caught, a witness filmed the scene. He had his zipper open and was leaning on a female passenger.
01/05/2022 – A 27-year-old man was appointed as responsible for attacking teenagers near the Sumaré metro station, in the West Zone of Sao Paulo. He was arrested during a joint action of the Civil and the Military Police.
01/05/2022 – Two teenagers accused of being part of a group that practiced theft via PIX in Barra Funda, in the West Zone of Sao Paulo, were arrested in the morning. They stole the iPhone of a victim who managed to locate her device and it guided the police to the criminals, who were in Clara Nunes St.
01/05/2022 – A man was arrested after holding a woman hostage for an hour and threatening her with a knife inside a small market, located on Av. Guilherme Cotching, in Vila Maria, in the North Zone of Sao Paulo, in the morning. The woman was held hostage because a police patrol arrived when the suspect robbing the market.
02/06/2022 – Riots and confusion took place in Cracolândia, at dawn. A group of people threw stones and objects against cars passing by São Paulo Av., in the Central Zone of Sao Paulo. Doors of business were also destroyed.
02/06/2022 – The Civil Police arrested a 23-year-old man for drug trafficking in a hotel on Helvetia St., in the Central Zone of Sao Paulo.
02/05/2022 – The Civil Police apprehended eight teenagers on suspicion of having committed gang rape of three girls. The cases occurred in April in Vila Curuçá, in the East Zone of Sao Paulo. The girls were invited by one of the boys to his home, they were given alcohol and taken into a car where they were raped. Videos of the scenes were shared on whatsapp groups. The police conducted searches at the boys houses: drugs were found at the house of one of them and medecines at the home of another.