The Federal Police arrested three suspects on Sunday (24/03) in the investigation into the death of councilor Marielle Franco and driver Anderson Gomes. The operation targets federal deputy Chiquinho Brazão (União-RJ) and the counselor of the Court of Auditors of the State of Rio Domingos Brazão, suspected of being the masterminds of the crime, and delegate Rivaldo Barbosa, who headed the Rio Civil Police at the time of the assassination and allegedly acted to protect those behind it. All three deny the accusation.
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Who Ordered the Murder of Marielle Franco
According to investigations, Marielle’s death was ordered by the brothers Domingos and Chiquinho Brazão. At the time of the crime, Chiquinho was a councilor alongside Marielle.
According to the PF, police chief Rivaldo Barbosa had an agreement with the Brazão brothers to prevent them from being held responsible. The agreement has been in effect since the second half of 2017 when the crime began to be discussed.
Ronnie Lessa’s Statement
The operation took place after the Federal Supreme Court (STF) approved the plea agreement signed by Ronnie Lessa, the Federal Police, and the Attorney General’s Office. The former military police officer was arrested in March 2019 as the shooter who killed the councilwoman and the driver. He was expelled from the corporation and sentenced, in 2021, to four and a half years in prison for concealing the weapons that would have been used in the crime.
Territorial Expansion of the Militia
Former Military Police Ronnie Lessa’s statement also revealed the motivation for the crime. According to Lessa, Marielle became a victim for defending the idea that people should not join communities illegally built by the militia in the West Zone. According to him, those responsible for the murder were seeking the regularization of condominiums built illegally in the Jacarepaguá region, in the West Zone of the city.
The arrests of those identified by the Federal Police as those responsible for the deaths of Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes six years after the crime, highlight the intricate and dangerous connection between politics, police, and crime in Rio de Janeiro. The murder of these political activists involves prominent figures, such as federal deputy Chiquinho Brazão, his brother Domingos Brazão, advisor to the State Court of Auditors (TCE), and the then head of the Civil Police of the State of Rio, Rivaldo Barbosa. The involvement of the head of the Civil Police suggests a sophisticated and meticulously planned criminal operation.
However, these arrests also shed light on broader issues related to the contamination of the state by organized crime, especially militias. The connection between police and militias in Rio de Janeiro is a worrying and long-standing phenomenon. Investigations into homicides carried out by what became known as the “Crime Office” are often sabotaged, with inquiries ending without concrete conclusions. This raises serious doubts about the integrity and independence of police and judicial institutions in combating organized crime.
The influence of militias is not just restricted to sabotaging criminal investigations but also extends to protecting their members and allies within the state’s power structures. Corruption and impunity fuel this vicious cycle, undermining efforts to promote justice and public security.
Source: O Globo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]; G1 [1] [2]; Folha de São Paulo.