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The draft organic law of the prison police, approved in the Rio Legislative Assembly (Alerj), provides for a bold structuring of the police force, created by amendment to the federal Constitution in 2019. It can be possible that the criminal police will receive more competences, which are the following: development of a circumstantial term of occurrence repression of offences, including organized crime and drug trafficking. Nevertheless, the final formulation, approved by Alerj in the last week of June, has not yet been sanctioned by the state government. In addition to that, the text has not been criticized. Experts believe that the constitutional definition of the criminal police is being extrapolated and that civil police’s competences are being invaded. Other experts also argue that there are incoherencies in the text proposing the new measures, in comparison with the state and the federal constitution, and that some points found as unconstitutional need to be discussed and reviewed.