Salary adjustment negotiations led to strife between the government and members of São Paulo state security forces. On Tuesday (23), under protests, São Paulo Legislative Assembly (Alesp) approved the bill that readjusts salaries with different percentages for the Civil and Military Police, which could create even more wear and tear between the two corporations.
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Workers from “House Foundation” (Fundação Casa), institution responsible for the reeducation of underaged offenders, also protested for receiving what they see as a low salary readjustment. In addition, the penal police’ salary was not included in the project. Now, it must be sanctioned by the governor.
Military Police X Civil Police
The salary adjustment proposal announced by São Paulo Governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) for members of the São Paulo forces created a crisis with civil police officers, who claim to be outraged by the fact that they will receive an increase lower than that offered to the military police. When the proposal came out, class representatives announced that they would organize demonstrations and did not rule out strike movements if the project were not changed.
According to the project approved, on average, officers from the Military Police will have a readjustment of 22.6%, against 17.9% of Civil Police chiefs.
Penal Police
The readjustment for penal system workers, the second largest security force in the state, has not yet been analyzed by Tarcísio. The fact made this group dissatisfied and motivated them and civil police officers to go to the City Chamber building to demonstrate against the proposal on 9 May.
House Foundation
Another group that is unhappy with their readjustment proposal is that of the foundation responsible for reeducating underaged offenders. A readjustment of 6% was offered to the category, however, the workers demand 15%. Since the demand has not been accepted, the workers went on strike on 3 May for an undetermined period. Justice ordered that 80% of the 5,000 workers must continue to work.
Our Analysis:
The two police forces, military and civil, from São Paulo have a history of disputes and differences that sometimes escalate to street incidents with conflicts between law enforcement officers. In 2020, after the death of three Military Police officers by a fake Civil Police officer, which occurred in August of that year, a series of disagreements with discussions and even aggressions between members of the two corporations was recorded. If the two forces perceive differences of treatment dispensed to one of them by the government, this could lead to new incidents. In addition, another episode in history involving the Civil and Military polices, and the state government show what disagreements about salary readjustments could have as consequence. On the afternoon of October 16, 2008, a bloody confrontation between 1,200 civil policemen and a troop of military policemen called to contain the demonstration that was moving towards the Palácio dos Bandeirantes, in Morumbi, west zone, seat of the government of São Paulo. Many civil policemen were carrying firearms. The conflict left 25 policemen wounded, including a Military Police colonel, who was shot during a shootout that took place amid the conflict. The incident happened after the Civil Police went on strike to claim an immediate salary adjustment of 15% and another 12% in 2009 and 2010. However, the administration offered only a 6.2% readjustment.
Source: Folha de São Paulo; Ponte [1], [2], [3]; Notícias UOL