On Wednesday (06/09), President Lula (PT) concluded the first major ministerial reform of his third term, with an internal reshuffle to accommodate names appointed by the influential political group known as the “Centrão”. The leader of the PP in the Chamber, deputy André Fufuca (MA), and deputy Silvio Costa Filho (Republicanos-PE), became part of the government. They will occupy the Sports Ministry and Ports and Airports Ministry, respectively.
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New Ministry
Minister Márcio França (PSB), who lost his post to the Republican nominee, will assume the new portfolio of Micro and Small Businesses, the newest function created.
Prolonged Negotiations
The change comes after more than two months of negotiations with members of Congress. The main objective is to include the “Centrão” parties in the government and, thus, increase Lula’s support base in Parliament.
Sitting on the Fence
The Republicans even informed in a statement that the party will be independent and that it will not be part of President Lula’s (PT) support base, despite the appointment of Sílvio Costa Filho (Republicans) to the Ports and Airports Ministry.
Although it negotiated entry into the government, the party was part of the Jair Bolsonaro (PL) government and supported his candidacy for re-election. Furthermore, it has many members in Congress strongly linked to the former president, such as Senator Damares Alves (DF) and Senator General Mourão (RS).
Both the Republican leadership and the PP and Republican commands seek to maintain bridges with the political group of the former president, even with representatives in the Lula government. The strategy is to leave doors open with both political camps waiting to see what the best course of action will be, keeping an eye on the elections and the correlation of forces in Congress.
Political support in the Federal Chamber is essential for the government to maintain a stable course through its four years of mandate. In addition to allowing the government to approve amendments to the Constitution and laws, which guarantees governability, the federal deputies are the first step for an impeachment process during a crisis. The Federal Chamber President has an even more important role, being the one responsible for articulating votes in support or opposition of a project proposed by the central authority and for accepting, rejecting or even “ignoring” an impeachment request filed against the President. Apparently, Lula was successful with his negotiation for support. But the disposition of Republicans to still seek an image of independent party due to its history of connection with the pervious president, sounds an alarm, revealing that the alliance may not be that “solid”.