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On Thursday night (23/06), two groups of protesters got together on Avenida Paulista and, around 19h, partially blocked the lanes that give access to Consolação. While indigenous people demanded justice against the deaths of journalist Dom Phillips and indigenist Bruno Pereira, in Amazonas, another act demanded the legalization of abortion.
Judge Denied Abortion to a 11-year-old Child
The Pro-abortion demonstration was motivated by the case of an 11-year-old girl who was raped and had an abortion denied by the Justice despite being provided for by law. After the nation-wide repercussion, and a new request for authorization for the abortion, the girl underwent the procedure on Wednesday (22/06), in Santa Catarina.
The Assassination of Bruno and Dom
Bruno Pereira, a Brazilian indigenist, and Dom Philip, an English journalist, were murdered by illegal fishermen in Vale do Javari. They traveled together to Vale do Javari, between the cities of Atalaia do Norte and Guajará, on the triple border between Brazil, Peru and Colombia, and disappeared on June 5th. According to an investigation by the Federal Police, the pair were chased and murdered by illegal fishermen with whom Bruno had arguments over legal fishing locations. The victims were reportedly shot to death, and the bodies quartered and buried.