Brazil could reach 4.2 million cases of dengue in 2024, according to estimates by the Ministry of Health, almost triple what was recorded last year, around 1.6 million. As of February 22, Brazil had more than 740,000 probable cases of dengue, an increase of almost 350% compared to the same period last year.
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Previous Years
There are 151 confirmed deaths from dengue and 501 under investigation. In the last two years, in addition to the explosion of cases, the country has also recorded record deaths. There were 1,053 deaths in 2022 and 1,094 in 2023 – in the entire historical series (2000-2023), Brazil had never surpassed the thousand deaths mark.
Experts say that the peak of the disease in the population will depend greatly on weather conditions. If we have very high temperatures and a lot of rain, the peak could be between April and May. If the opposite happens and the temperature drops, it could be in March and April.
Emergency state
According to the federal government’s Emergency Operations Center, five states (AC, GO, MG, ES, and RJ) and the DF declared a public health emergency due to dengue.