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On Monday (30/05), President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) edited a decree that blocks R$ 8,2 billion in the budget of ministries to comply with the spending limit rule, which limits the growth of most expenses to inflation in the country last year. The measure was necessary because there was an increase in the estimate of mandatory expenses, such as in spending on court judgments. However, as a precaution, the Economy Ministry asked ministries to block more resources, totaling about R$ 13 billion. This action would ensure the possibility of giving at least a 5% salary readjustment for all federal public servants.
Public Servants Protests and Strike Threats
The announcement, in 2021, of an exclusive salary readjustment for the Federal Police (PF), the Federal Highway Police (PRF) and prison guards led to strike threats by other federal servants. During the first months of 2022, Central Bank (BC) employees promoted actions to slow down work and protest the exclusive readjustment to security forces, threatening the Government with a total strike if anything were not done. After the announcement of a 5% readjustment for all federal servants, the scenario improved among a group of servants but let the police forces disappointed. Then, on April 21st, police chiefs from the Federal Police announced the approval of a package of measures, which includes the possibility of stopping activities, in reaction to what they called a “clear omission ” of the government of Jair Bolsonaro regarding the restructuring of the corporation’s careers. Experts evaluate that, miscalculated movements by the Government in this topic could lead to negative reactions, such as a strike by a group of servants.