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Deputy Carlos Zarattini (PT-SP) is trying to make a proposal for a Constitutional Amendment (PEC) in the Chamber of Deputies, which alters article 142 of the Federal Constitution and limits military powers. This article describes the functioning of the Armed Forces and began to be cited by former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) supporters to defend the thesis that the military would be a kind of Powers mediator. According to constitutionalists, the text of Article 142 of the Constitution, however, does not authorize any power to summon him to intervene in another.
End of Law-and-Order Guarantee Operations
Zarattini said that, among other points, the proposal intends to reserve military personnel who assume public office and put an end to the Guarantee of Law and Order (GLO) operation. The GLO is an operation carried out by order of the President and adopted in serious situations of disturbance of order. According to the parliamentarian, among the measures that will be proposed by the PEC are:
- Remove from article 142 the possibility of Law-and-Order Guarantee Operations
- Rule out any possibility of interpretation that the armed forces could be a moderating power above the three powers
- Allow the military to participate in civil defence operations
- Introduce an article prohibiting military participation in politics. The military who assumes a civilian position will have to go to reserve