Through the last days, since the beginning of the conflict in Israel and in Gaza Strip, on 7 October, a series of protest were seen throughout Brazil, particularly in the main urban centers. The acts have been promoted by various groups, with different views on the incidents that are taking place in the Middle East.
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Acts Pro-Palestine and Pro-Israel
On Sunday (15/10), a group met this on Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo, in a pro-Palestine event. With the country’s flags, protesters held banners opposing the Israeli government and its actions in the Gaza Strip. Another event pro-Palestine took place a few days later, on Wednesday (18/10), in the same place. A third pro-Palestine demonstration was registered on Thursday (19/10), but this time in Cinelândia square, downtown Rio de Janeiro, where leftist political parties (PCO) and labor unions, such as CTB, promoted the event.
On Sunday (15/10), there was also a pro-Israel march, which took place Rio de Janeiro city, in Copacabana neighborhood.
Brazil has Arab and Jewish communities in many states, which partially explains the protests promoted normally by these groups and sympathizers. On top of that, the conflict between Israel and Palestinians is often “adopted” by opposing political groups in the country. While the right normally supports Israel, the left tends to argue in favor of the Palestinian people. In this sense politicians and political parties get involved and promote events or make speeches to show support or to criticize the parts in this conflict, thus, helping to fuel animosity between the communities but particularly between people in the opposing political spectrums, left and right. The scenario also helps to maintain the political polarization that emerged in the nation in the past years. Even though generalized clashes are unlike, sporadic acts of violence targeting anyone showing some type of connection with one of the sides of this conflict are possible.