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On Tuesday (27), Federal District Governor Ibaneis Rocha said that Army General Dutra, Military Commander of the Planalto, committed himself to speeding up the demobilization of the camp set up in front of the Army headquarters, where protesters demand a military coup against Lula. However, on Thursday (29/12), the Army issued a note stating that it decided to postpone the operation to demobilize the camp. According to the Army, the reason for the postponement was to preserve the safety of those involved.
The team of president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) has differed on how to deal with the demonstrations in front of the Army headquarters, in Brasília. On the one hand, allies led by the future Minister of Justice Flávio Dino defend a stronger position for the demobilization of the camp. Appointed to head Lula’s Ministry of Defense, José Múcio Monteiro has diverged from the line adopted by Dino. Múcio considers that there should be a delicate process to avoid further friction with supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro.
Múcio explains that his objective is to create an “agreed” removal of the camp without necessarily the compulsory withdrawal of the demonstrators. He has also argued that the current environment is hostile and that it is necessary to bet on dialogue.
According to media sources, Lula believes that it is necessary to demobilize the camp as soon as possible. According to PT allies, he has expressed that the demonstrators are expansive, and feeling empowered and comfortable. In addition, Lula told allies that the camp at the headquarters represents a kind of test of his government’s authority and that, therefore, it needs to be demobilized.