The state of Rio de Janeiro once again recorded a drop in the number of cargo robberies, with a reduction of almost 24% compared to the year 2022, reaching the lowest level in the last 11 years. The data was disclosed by the Technical Note “Panorama of Cargo Robbery in the State of Rio de Janeiro – 2024”, produced by the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan). Despite the improvement in the state, an average of 9 trucks are stolen daily, totaling 3,225 cases throughout the year 2023.
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Considering the average value of stolen cargo, direct losses with this type of crime was worth approximately R$283 million. It should be noted that the costs of cargo robbery go beyond direct loss, also including indirect costs, such as hiring security private and insurance, which in many cases outweigh the direct loss.
Concentration and Highways
Cargo theft in the state of Rio de Janeiro is a highly concentrated type of crime. In 2023, around 97% of registered cases were in the Metropolitan Region. In the same year, more than half occurred just in 8 of the 1,375 Integrated Public Security Circumscriptions (CISP) in the state.

Annually, around 10 CISP are responsible for half of the occurrences, however, in 2023, only 8 CISP concentrated the same proportion, indicating a greater concentration of cases in certain locations. These 8 CISP are crossed by the main highways in Rio de Janeiro (BR-040 – Rodovia Washington Luís, BR-101 – Avenida Brasil, BR-116 – Rodovia Presidente Dutra, and BR-493 – Arco Metropolitano) and are close to important spaces industrial.
Among these highways, BR-493 – Arco Metropolitano – a highway of paramount importance for the state of Rio stands out. It is designed to be a logistics corridor, removing cargo vehicles from urban centers, which favors urban mobility and logistics. The 11 CISP located around the Arco Metropolitano presented an increase of 4%, while the state showed a reduction of 24% compared to the year 2022.
Worst Regions
CISP 59 – Duque de Caxias, located close to the junction of BR-040 with Arco Metropolitano and Dutra, despite continuing to appear as the CISP that most concentrate cargo robberies in the state of Rio de Janeiro (11% of cases) showed a 4% reduction in the cargo theft indicator. Still, CISP continues to register an average of 1 case per day in 2023.

In the same region, CISP 60 – Campos Elíseos and CISP 54 – Belford Roxo recorded increases of 20% and 39%, respectively, in their cargo theft indicators compared to the previous year.

A region that recorded a relevant reduction was the area surrounding the Port of Rio de Janeiro, with a decrease of more than 31% in the number of cases. The Port of Rio is an important logistics hub for cargo transport in the state, being responsible for the movement of more than R$94 billion in cargo during the year 2023.
Positive highlights for CISP 35 – Campo Grande, CISP 39 – Pavuna, and CISP 33 – Realengo with reductions of 36%, 20%, and 10%, respectively, are no longer included in the concentration map. It is also worth highlighting CISP 44 – Inhaúma, which recorded the biggest reduction in cases in the state – 89 fewer cases compared to 2022.
Source: Panorama of Cargo Robbery in the State of Rio de Janeiro – 2024.