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On Friday (03/02), Alexandre de Moraes, Federal Supreme Court (STF) Minister and Electoral Superior Court (TSE) President, determined the opening of an investigation into the report by Senator Marcos Do Val (Podemos) regarding an alleged articulation of a coup, with the participation of the former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and former Federal Deputy Daniel Silveira (PTB).
False Testimony Investigation
Moraes stated that, in the parliamentarian’s first statement about the event to the Federal Police (PF), given on Thursday (02/02), he presented “a fourth version of the facts disclosed by him”, emphasizing that all were “antagonistic”, and that therefore it is necessary to investigate the crimes of false testimony, slanderous denunciation and coercion in the course of the process.
The Revelation and Many Versions
On Thursday (02/02), at dawn, Do Val said that he was coerced by Bolsonaro to record a meeting between himself and Minister Moraes to obtain a compromising statement from him that would serve as an argument to annul the elections and prevent Lula from taking office. Even though the story was neither denied by Bolsonaro, nor Silveira, it was changed at least four times by Senator Do Val, fact that undermined his reliability and started to create suspicion over his testimony of the case.
“Tabajara” Coup
STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes called the plot reported by Senator Marcos Do Val a “Tabajara” coup attempt. The local expression refers to something fake and badly elaborated.
Therefore, according to media sources, Ministers of the Federal Supreme Court received with caution the accusations made by a traditional ally of former President Bolsonaro, especially due to successive changes of versions.
In addition, there are doubts among the members of the STF regarding the implications for Bolsonaro even if everything Do Val said is proven. This is because it would not have passed the stage of “cogitation. Without any preparation for a crime, the facts revealed do not constitute crime, hence, they bring no implications for the former President.
Due to the fact presented above, political commentators started to believe that the denunciation made by the Senator is a smokescreen. For them, the objective is another would be making Minister Alexandre de Moraes unable to judge the coup acts promoted on 8 January, due to the fact that he would be personally involved and ask for his suspicion in the process.
On Friday (03/02), this theory was reinforced by a new interview in which Do Val said that he will ask the Attorney General’s Office to remove the STF Minister Moraes from the position of rapporteur of the inquiries that investigate the attacks in Brasília. The reason, according to him, is the fact that the minister was quoted in the testimony which he gave to report the plot against Moraes.
Another theory involves the intention of creating something that justifies a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) against the Lula government, which would investigate the government’s actions in dealing with the attacks on the Three Powers Plaza. President Lula allies also believe in this theory, since a commission of this type in Congress, even if focused on opposition targets, would have the potential to generate turmoil for the new government.
Another theory is supported by Senators Otto Alencar (PSD) and Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede). They declared to media sources that their colleague was setting a trap for Minister Alexandre de Moraes – which ended up not giving the desired result. Thus, with the plan thwarted, Do Val would have leaked the information to escape from any punishment, before the Federal Police reached the case through messages from Daniel Silveira, who was arrested by the PF on Thursday (02/02), the same day in which he made the revelations.