05/07/2024 – On Friday (5), agents of the 33rd BPM were carrying out a routine patrol in Morro da Fortaleza, in the city center, when they spotted three individuals trafficking on public roads. According to the agents, a 27-year-old man had a communication radio used by local traffickers, dominated by the Red Command (CV). Another young man, 19 years old, had 215 bundles of marijuana. In addition, they reported that the third suspect, a minor, would have 280 pins of cocaine, 23 bottles of “cheirinho da loló” (ether), and 58 crack rocks.
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06/07/2024 – Agents of the 33rd BPM were patrolling in Água Santa, on Saturday afternoon (6), where drug trafficking is dominated by the Red Command (CV), when they caught a 32-year-old woman selling drugs. According to the agents, she had 68 cocaine pins, 8 crack rocks, 5 strips and 2 marijuana tablets, and 66 reais in cash.
10/07/2024 – On Wednesday morning (10), Military Police seized a large quantity of drugs, a precision scale, and a homemade explosive device, in Morro da Glória 1. During the action, there was an exchange of fire. The criminals fled to the forest area, abandoning all the material. No one was arrested.
10/07/2024 – A man died in the late afternoon of Wednesday (10), after a shootout with agents of the Tactical Action Group (GAT) of the 33rd BPM. The confrontation took place in Morro do Peres, in the central region of the city. According to the police, the GAT was shot at by armed men during a routine patrol in the slum and retaliated. At the scene, a 9mm caliber pistol, a magazine, 10 intact ammunition, 86 cocaine pins, 11 marijuana tablets, 2 skank wrappers, and a communication radio were found.