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26/11/2023 – Body of a 56yo female tourist has been found floating in Praia Da Costeirinha, Centre of Angra. Police said she still was with her handbag and IDs, and so she could be identified as a Uruguayan citizen. ER teams have taken her out of the water and took to the Forensic to investigate the reason of her trespass.
26/11/2023 – Police operation against drug trafficking occurred in the slum Morro Caixa d´Água, Centre of Angra. As well of the arrest of a minor aged suspect of drug dealing, the Police found various drugs and its weigher, cash, and walkie talkies.
28/11/2023 – Police operation against drug trafficking occurred in the slum Morro Santo Antônio, Centre of Angra. The Police found 3 cars, drugs, cell phones, cash and, more unexpected, a CCTV central that was monitoring the streets and the accesses of the slum.