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27/04/2023 – Four criminals were shot in two shootings with the Military Police in the Sapinhatuba 2 and 3 neighborhoods — both during routine patrols. The first took place in the Sapinhatuba 3 neighborhood, after the shooting, officers found an injured man. A gun and drugs were seized with him. The second was in the Sapinhatuba 2 neighborhood, where three criminals were shot. They had two pistols, a grenade and a large amount of drugs.
29/04/2023 – A shooting between the Military Police and criminals involved in drug trafficking ended with a young man arrested on Rua Benedito Perez, in Morro do Perez. According to the Military Police, officers were on patrol at the address when they were shot at and fought back. A gun, cocaine, marijuana, skank, crack, a radio transmitter, and ammunition were apprehended.
05/05/2023 – A warehouse belonging to the Rede Market supermarket, located at the entrance to the Parque Belém district, was the target of an arson attack. The flames took on large proportions and hit three trucks, which were destroyed. According to the Military Police, two security guards who were on duty said they were surrendered by armed bandits and had their cell phones stolen. The staff also reported that the criminals wanted to enter the warehouse, but since they did not have the key, they set fire to plastic and cardboard boxes outside the warehouse and fled.