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31/10/2022 – A shooting, in a wooded area of the Lambicada neighborhood, ended with the death of eight criminals who belonged to a gang specialized in bank robberies. The shooting took place on the day they were planning a new robbery at banking establishments in the city.
01/11/2022 – Civil police officers from the Angra dos Reis Police Station arrested a 19-year-old fugitive from justice in São Paulo. According to the officers, he worked in the Biscaia neighborhood, and had a conviction for drug trafficking.
01/11/2022 – Drug traffickers had a shooting with the military police on Rua Salomão Reseck, in Morro da Caixa D’água. According to the Disque Denúncia, criminals had installed cameras at strategic points to monitor the entry of officers into the location. As a result, the police went to the address. As soon as the officers arrived, they were shot at. The criminals fled towards a wooded area. Nobody was hurt. The cameras were located and seized by the police.