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08/10/2022 – A 61-year-old woman was killed during a robbery on Rua Ailton Silva, in Praia do Pecado. The criminal, a street sweeper, was hiding behind a wall waiting for the victim to leave her residence. According to the Military Police (PM), he seemed to already know the victim’s routine. At around 6:00, the elderly woman left her home when she was surprised by the criminal, who pulled the cord that was around her neck. The two got into a fight, and the victim fell to the ground after being pushed by the criminal, who then fled. In the fall, the elderly woman hit her head on the sidewalk.
08/10/2022 – Civilian police officers arrested a member of a criminal organization that applied scams to offshore machinery rental companies in the city of Macaé and surrounding areas. The criminal was arrested in the Imboassica neighborhood, in the same municipality, when he tried to apply another scam. According to the officers, the gang caused damages of more than R$ 500 thousand to the companies.
13/10/2022 – A man was arrested accused of committing several thefts in the center of the city. According to the Military Police, officers received information about a break-in in a trade on Avenida Rui Barbosa and, in diligence at the scene, caught the element running.
13/10/2022 – The Military Police arrested two men for drug trafficking. In the Nova Holanda community, a man was arrested after a complaint that he was in a kitnet, which was being used by drug trafficking. At the indicated location, officers found him with a pistol, marijuana, cocaine, two precision scales, three radio transmitter chargers, a pistol charger and a cell phone. In the Bela Vista neighborhood, another man was arrested during a patrol by the Military Police. He was approached in possession of cocaine and crack stones.