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The Military Police and the São Paulo Metro reported this Tuesday (06/09), that they are developing a partnership to employ military police officers to reinforce security at stations and their surroundings. The partnership between the São Paulo Metro and the Military Police should be signed along the lines of what has been done since the end of 2019 at Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM). The contract may run for a maximum period of five years. Then, if the parties still have an interest in maintaining, the partnership must be reconsidered. As with the CPTM, the officers’ action at Metro stations will take place through Dejem (Special Daily for Extraordinary Military Police Work Day), a mechanism that allows the hiring, upon adhesion of the police themselves, of the service of agents outside the usual hours. of work. With the partnership, Metrô will pay the agents’ fees and the Military Police, with the operational part, such as providing protection equipment and weapons. “They continue as police officers, they will even be in a security role,” Camilo said. “At any time, they can act as police officers, make approaches, ask for identification, there is no problem in the activity,” he added.