The National Force has been working to provide public security in Rio de Janeiro since 16 October and has not yet seized any firearms or drugs. The operation authorized by the Ministry of Justice in the state has already cost the public coffers almost R$10 million.

In total, 300 men and women from nine states were transferred to Rio de Janeiro with the aim of working on the highways that cross the state, under the leadership of the Federal Highway Police, with the aim of preventing the entry of weapons and drugs.


For the work, the Federal Government spent more than R$3.5 million on new equipment alone: carbines, shotguns, rifles, grenades, pistols, and lots of ammunition. Paying officers’ daily fees cost the Federal Government’s coffers more than R$3.6 million.


According to the management of the National Force, agents working in Rio de Janeiro carried out more than 10,000 searches of vehicles and pedestrians in the first month of work. However, only 7 trucks were stopped and searched during this period. So far, agents have not seized weapons or drugs during the operation in the state. The survey, carried out based on the Access to Information Law (LAI), shows two adults and a minor were arrested for attempted robbery. Throughout November, two other people were arrested for bodily harm and failure to pay child support.

Stolen Officers

In addition to the lack of positive results, two National Force agents ended up involved in a situation that showed how unprepared the agents are in terms of information about the area where they will operate.

On Tuesday (28/11), National Force agents entered by mistake and had their weapons stolen in Complexo do Chapadão, in Guadalupe, North Zone of Rio. The weapons were recovered, but the situation shed light on the actions of police officers who do not know well the particularities of crime in Rio.

The two stolen agents belong to the Alagoas and Acre police. They were in an unmarked vehicle and, following directions from a navigation app, entered Rua Fernando Lobo when they were approached by drug traffickers.

The police officers identified themselves, and the bandits released them after stealing two 9mm caliber pistols.

Military Killed

On the same Tuesday (28/11), a National Force agent was shot and killed, at the door of the house where he was living with a group of companions, in Vila Valqueire, West Zone.

After hearing gunshots in a neighboring residence, on Rua Mário Barbedo, he went to see what was happening. The criminal, identified as Eduardo Santa Rita Carvalho, aged 24, was fleeing after shooting his partner, and shot the officer twice, hitting him in the head.


In addition to the presence of the National Force, Rio de Janeiro also has a Law-and-Order Guarantee (GLO) operation by the Armed Forces. The decree signed by President Lula in November provides that the GLO will remain in force until May 2024. During this period, the Armed Forces will act in coordination with bodies such as the Federal Police, the Federal Highway Police, and the National Force.

Source: G1

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