The Public Ministry of Rio (MPRJ) has carried out an operation to arrest 19 military police officers and one civil police officer. They are accused of providing armed security for bicheiro Rogério Costa de Andrade e Silva, patron of the Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel samba school. The offender is not among the targets of this operation. In addition to the 20 arrest warrants for the crime of criminal organization, the Court issued more than 50 search and seizure warrants.
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Operation Praetorians is the continuation of Calígula against the gambling networks of Rogério de Andrade and Ronnie Lessa, in 2022. At the time, the agents carried out 24 search and seizure warrants.
Who is Rogério de Andrade
Rogério de Andrade, nephew of Castor de Andrade – famous boss of the “jogo do bicho” (illegal gambling) until 1997 – faces a lawsuit for heading a criminal organization that dominates illegal gambling, slot machines, bingos and casinos, in Rio West Zone.
Targets have been accused before
Targets of operation Praetorians, police officers accused of providing personal security for bookkeeper Rogério Costa de Andrade e Silva have already been investigated for a series of deaths in operations, including that of Maria Eduarda Alves da Conceição, 13 years old, shot in the courtyard of her school in Acari, Rio North Zone.
Ronnie Lessa
A notorious case that illustrates the illegal relationship between crime and law and order officers is that of Ronnie Lessa. A former military police officer, recently, Ronnie’s plea bargain allowed the conclusion of the inquiry investigating the assassination of Councilwoman Marielle Franco and her driver Anderson Gomes. Lessa was responsible for the deaths and confirmed that he was hired by Chiquinho and Domingos Brazão, brothers and politicians connected to the militias. Franco’s death would have been motivated by a land-grabbing dispute in the West Zone.
Another revelation that serves as an example is that the then Police Chief, Rivaldo Barbosa, would have been paid by the Brazão Brothers to not investigate the assassination. Barbosa was allegedly helped by other important members of the corporation, like the head of the Homicides Department, Giniton Lages, who was initially in charge of the case.
Police Liaison with Criminals
The relationship between police forces and criminal organizations in Rio de Janeiro is a topic that highlights the complexity and challenges faced in combating organized crime. The case of Luis Antônio da Silva Braga, known as Zinho, is emblematic in this sense, illustrating how impunity and corruption undermine efforts to contain these paramilitary groups.
In his first arrest, in 2015, despite concrete evidence of his criminal activities, he was released by court decision. Later, in 2017, after being detained again, the investigation pointed to a bribe of R$20,000 to civil police officers, who released him without further hassle. In addition to impunity, the relationship between some members of the police forces and the militias is evidenced by testimonies that point to the active collaboration of agents in protecting and strengthening these criminal groups. The sale of seized weapons, failure to act in the face of illegal activities and even participation in invasions of territories are practices that call into question the integrity and effectiveness of public security institutions.
This relationship is not new in the history of Rio de Janeiro. From the beginnings of militias, in the 60’s, to the present day, there has been a strong interaction between members of the police forces and criminal groups, which often results in mutual benefits and the perpetuation of the cycle of violence and corruption.
One of the most worrying aspects of this dynamic is the impunity that often accompanies the actions of police officers involved in illegal activities. As noted in Zinho’s case, despite clear evidence of his criminal activities, he was released by court decisions. This pattern of impunity not only undermines the population’s trust in police institutions but also weakens efforts to dismantle criminal organizations.
Furthermore, the active collaboration of some law enforcement agents in protecting and strengthening militias and other criminal organizations reveals a systemic failure in public security institutions.