20/02/2025 – A woman suffered an attempted robbery on Rua Monte Alegre, on Thursday (20/02), around 18:40. The criminals grabbed her purse and dragged her for some meters. A few days later two Italian tourists were robbed and beaten by the same group of criminals, which is robbing people in this area for some time. They operate always the same way, use motorcycles, arrive in group, armed and act quickly. The area around Rua Áurea, Rua Monte Alegre and Rua Tenente Maurício de Medeiros is considered of risk.
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24/02/2025 – An armed man robbed a store on Rua Joana Angélica, in Ipanema. The crime occurred on Monday (24) at around 13:30. Nobody was arrested. The criminal seems to be the same that attacked two other stores, one Downtown Rio and the one in Copacabana.
27/02/2025 – A joint operation carried out between the Civil and Military Police on the sands of Ipanema Beach, between posts 9 and 10, on the afternoon of Thursday (27), resulted in the arrest of seven people. Among the crimes caught by the agents, who also used drones in the action, were the sale of narcotics, the sale of electronic cigarettes, and fraud in credit card machines.
28/02/2025 – Around six heavily armed criminals invaded Parque Lage, in Jardim Botânico, south of Rio de Janeiro, in the early hours of this Friday (28/02). They wanted to rob the local security guards weapons, however, they were not successful, since the professionals work unarmed. Security cameras caught the group crossing an area that was closed to visitors.
03/03/2025 – A man on a motorcycle invaded a sidewalk on Rua General Góis Monteiro, in Botafogo, this Carnival, and stole the cell phone of a customer who was sitting at one of the bar’s tables, on the sidewalk. The motorcyclist snatched the phone from the young woman’s hands, who ran, along with her companion, after the thief. Security cameras captured the scene, which allegedly happened on the night of last Monday (3). Data from the Public Security Institute (ISP) reveal that Botafogo is one of the neighborhoods in the South Zone of Rio where this type of crime occurs the most. Throughout 2024, 8,472 cell phone thefts were recorded in the area of the 2nd BPM. Considering only the month of January, this year the police became aware of 710 cell phone thefts in this area during the period, compared to 537 in the same month of 2024.
04/03/2025 – Brasilia tourist Fabrício Alves Monteiro, 28, was kidnapped by drug traffickers, tortured and killed in the city’s North Zone on Tuesday (04/03). Monteiro, who was in the city to enjoy Carnival with a cousin and a friend, was approached by criminals after following a GPS to a party and taken to the Palmeirinha community in Honório Gurgel, controlled by the Comando Vermelho (CV). Witnesses reported that he was brutally tortured and burned inside his vehicle.
05/03/2025 – A 34-year-old man died after being attacked with a glass bottle during a carnival block in Campo Grande, in the West Zone of Rio, on the morning of Tuesday (5). The attack occurred in an area known as Glicínia. Witnesses reported to the Civil Police that Pedro Henrique was attacked by the ex-husband of the woman who was with him. According to reports, the suspect arrived at the block and became aggressive towards his ex-partner. Pedro Henrique tried to intervene, which caused a fight.
08/03/2025 – Three men identified as members of a gang that carried out thefts of luxury vehicles in the South Zone of Rio were arrested on Sunday (08/03), in Botafogo. Agents from the 2nd BPM (Botafogo) located the suspects at the moment in which one of them tried to steal a Mitsubishi L200 pickup truck.
08/03/2025 – Two men were shot dead in the early hours of Saturday (08/03) in Madureira, in the North Zone of Rio. According to news outlets, the crime took place during a football match on Rua Dona Clara. The person responsible for the shooting has not yet been identified.