04/10/2024 – A military police officer was shot on Friday during a confrontation with criminals in the Gardênia Azul community, in the West Zone of Rio. Teams from the 18th BPM (Jacarepaguá) were in the community for an incident in the area known as Favelão, when they were attacked with gunfire.
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06/10/2024 – Criminals burglarized a church in Rio Central area and stole a relic of Saint Benedict, with a bone fragment. The relic belongs to the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and Saint Benedict of the Black Men. The suspicion is that criminals entered the place during a party held over the weekend, in honor of the saint. Nobody was arrested.
06/10/2024 – A woman was arrested for attempted kidnapping and resisting arrest on Sunday (10/06) in Guadalupe, in the North Zone of Rio. Isabela Amorim Fonseca Osório, 34, was detained by military police officers from the 41st BPM (Irajá) after trying to flee at high speed on Rua Nova Trento, in the direction of Avenida Brasil. The mother of a child pointed her out and said that Isabela tried to kidnap her daughter.
07/10/2024 – A former military police officer was killed on Monday morning (07/10) after going for a walk with his dogs on Rua Formosa, in Jardim Guanabara, Ilha do Governador. A car stopped in front of the former police officer André da Silva Aleixo and shot at him. Aleixo was currently known as a sort of manager of the crime scene on Ilha do Governador and in São Gonçalo, in the Metropolitan Region of Rio. He would be involved with the “Jogo do Bicho” and other illegal activities.
07/10/2024 – One man stole a gold chain from Junior, a famous Brazilian football player. The robbery committed against the former player took place on Monday (07/10) morning near Praça do Ó, on Avenida Lúcio Costa, Barra da Tijuca, in the West Zone. The suspect was later arrested.
07/10/2024 – Five drug traffickers were arrested on Monday night (07/10) in Bangu, in the West Zone of Rio, dressed in camouflage clothing and, according to the police, were planning to invade the Catiri Community, a region controlled by militiamen.
08/09/2024 – A 17-year-old teen was shot dead while fixing his bike inside a shop in Santa Cruz neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro West Zone. It appears that the boy was the victim of a stray bullet. He was shot at the same moment when two men were killed during an intense shootout in the region.
08/10/2024 – The Military Police carried out, on Tuesday morning (08/10), an operation in Morro do Juramento, in Vicente de Carvalho, in the North Zone. At least three suspects were arrested, an AR-10 model rifle, a 9mm caliber pistol, and two grenades were seized.
08/10/2024 – Three armed men robbed a department store in a shopping mall in Pechincha, Jacarepaguá, late Tuesday morning (08/10). No one was arrested. The police said criminals fled the scene in a car and a motorcycle. According to reports, they wore uniforms connected to the City Hall administration as a disguise.
09/10/2024 – Criminals attempted to rob bus passengers and exchanged shots with the police on Wednesday (09/10) morning on Avenida Brasil, near Irajá, in the North Zone of Rio. Two suspects were injured. A weapon and items that had been stolen from passengers were seized from the pair. The bus, owned by Viação Tinguá, was traveling from Rio to Baixada Fluminense. The suspects announced the robbery near Linha Amarela. The driver managed to call for help from a patrol car on Avenida Brasil. The police surrounded the bus and managed to stop it.
09/10/2024 – An intense shooting took place in Vigário Geral and Parada de Lucas, in the North Zone of Rio, early this Thursday morning. The operation targeted parts of the large community known as Complexo de Israel, which is controlled by the Pure Third Command (TCP). The Civil Police are carrying out Operation Exodus, which aims to serve 15 arrest warrants and eight search and seizure warrants in the complex. There is still no information on arrests or seizures. One of the points where shots were recorded in Vigário Geral was near the Linha Vermelha. Earlier, train circulation was impacted and is now in the process of returning to normal, says Supervia.