The Military Police reported, on Tuesday (10), that they had seized 78 rifles in August 2024. This is the largest quantity of this type of weapon, seized in a month by the corporation, since 2015. In the first eight months of 2024 alone, the troops managed to seize 4,410 weapons in Rio de Janeiro. Of this total, 449 were rifles. Most of the seizures took place in the North and West Zones of Rio.
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In the first seven months of this year, the number of robberies inside public transport in the regions of Jacarepaguá and Barra da Tijuca is close to the total number of robberies in the whole of last year, according to data from the Public Security Institute (ISP), which considers data obtained up to July this year. The cumulative figure for 2023 was 573 occurrences, against 407 until July 2024, the latest data available. In Barra, 298 robberies inside public transport were recorded throughout last year, against 230 from January to July 2024. In Jacarepaguá, there were 275 robberies on buses last year, against 177 in the first seven months of this year.
07/09/2024 – A call girl was killed by strangulation, on Saturday (7), in a hotel in downtown Rio. The suspect of the crime was arrested moments later. He confessed to having asphyxiated the victim, claiming to have been the target of extortion practiced by her.
09/09/2024 – A couple was arrested, on Monday (9), for doping monkeys in the Botanical Garden, in the South Zone. According to the investigations, the crime was carried out to capture and later sell the animals at clandestine fairs. The identities of the suspects were not disclosed. According to the Civil Police, they were arrested with tranquilizers and bananas to dope the animals. The pair mixed the medicine with the fruit to attract the monkeys and capture them.
09/09/2024 – Police officers from the 12th Pacifying Police Unit (UPP) of Complexo do Alemão prevented, on Monday (9), the theft of a load of beer valued at R$ 100,000. According to the PM, the team was alerted by drivers about the interception of a truck on Leopoldo Bulhões Street, at the access to the Yellow Line, in Bonsucesso, North Zone of Rio, and arrived in time to prevent the crime. The criminals, who were on a motorcycle, managed to escape.
10/09/2024 – An operation targeted members of a criminal organization of interstate drug trafficking and money laundering, on Tuesday (10). The Federal Police (PF) and the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro (MPRJ) served seven search and seizure warrants in Parada de Lucas, Cordovil, and Vila da Penha, in the North Zone, in Itaboraí, in the Metropolitan Region, and Lima Duarte, in Minas Gerais. According to the MP’s complaint, the organization supplied drugs to the community of Vila do Pinheiro, in Complexo da Maré, dominated by the Terceiro Comando Puro (TCP). The leader of the gang was responsible for commanding the accomplices to get vehicles and people to transport the narcotics.
10/09/2024 – “Parazão”, appointed as general manager of the Guaporé community trafficking, in Brás de Pina, in the North Zone, was arrested by Military Police (PMs), at the end of the night of Tuesday (10), in possession of a 7.62 caliber rifle. According to the corporation, the arrest was made during an emergency action by the 16th BPM in the Quitungo slum (Brás de Pina).
11/09/2024 – Bandits armed with rifles broke into an electronics warehouse in Penha, North Zone of Rio, on Thursday (11), and six ended up being arrested by police officers from the Special Roads Battalion (BPVE). During the action, the bandits tied up the warehouse employees. The stolen cargo, valued at R$ 5 million, was partially recovered. Four trucks were used to take the stolen equipment to communities in the region dominated by the Red Command. The criminals fled to the Kelson community. In the escape, they also took an app driver hostage. 20 bandits participated in the robbery and stayed in the warehouse for two hours.
12/09/2024 – The Military Police carried out, on Thursday (12), an operation in the Complexo de Israel, in the North Zone of Rio. The action, according to the corporation, aimed to repress cargo theft and contain disputes over territories. Teams from the 16th BPM (Olaria), units of the Area Policing Command (CPA), and the Special Operations Command (COE) are in the communities of Cidade Alta, Parada de Lucas, Vigário Geral, Pica Pau, and Cinco Bocas.
12/09/2024 – A criminal was arrested, on Thursday at midnight, after stealing 79 cell phones from a branch of Lojas Americanas, in Pavuna. According to the Military Police, agents of the 41st BPM (Irajá) were on patrol on Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King when they noticed the action of three suspects leaving the establishment with the stolen products. During the approach, one of them was arrested and, in the bag he was holding, the police found the cell phones.