Botafogo, a traditional residential neighborhood in Rio’s South Zone, where part of the city’s elite live, is experiencing a growing insecurity caused by the presence of crack users on several streets. While residents and business owners report fear and violence, the solution to the problem is hindered by a lack of coordination between the state’s security authorities and the city government. The city authorities claim that the solution is not in their hands but in the state’s. Meanwhile, this one claims that it has been doing its part. One of the main issues is copper cable thefts in public and private structures. On Rua São Clemente, on the corner of Sorocaba, there was a drug consumption point under some trees, which were removed. Residents report that drug addicts ask for money or anything that can be exchanged for drugs. If the person says they don’t have any or don’t want to give it, they threaten them. The sidewalk of their building on Rua Real Grandeza, near the São João Batista Cemetery, to consume crack. In Praça Corumbá, on the way up Morro Dona Marta, graffiti may be the source of this insecurity. On a wall, gang graffiti indicates that a criminal group controls the territory. It also says that crack cannot be smoked in the vicinities. Drug addicts buy crack because it is cheaper, and it can be exchanged for copper wires taken from power and internet networks or other stolen goods. When scattered, the presence of drug consumers increases the feeling of danger and makes it difficult for health and security authorities to act. Larger crowds also form, but they seem to be occasional and nomadic; they avoid staying in one place for too long. Although it is not possible to make a direct connection between crime rates and the presence of crack users, the fact is that Botafogo’s numbers showed an increase when comparing the accumulated total from January to November 2023 with the same period last year. According to the Public Security Institute (ISP), the number of cell phone thefts, for example, jumped 90%, from 225 to 429. Robberies of passersby went from 409 to 674 (64.7%).
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19/01/2025 – One man was shot dead at around 2:50 on Sunday (19), at the Wyndham Rio Barra, on Avenida Lúcio Costa. The victim, a resident of Tijuca, in the North Zone, was staying with his family at the hotel to enjoy the weekend. According to relatives, he was returning from work when he arrived at the location and could not enter because there was a car blocking the way. Then, he started an argument with one man, whose vehicle blocked the entrance. During the discussion, the other man, who was later identified as a police officer, shot him thrice. The killer is on the run.
19/01/2025 – Singer Nego do Borel reported that he suffered an attempted robbery in Tijuca, in the North Zone of Rio, on the night of last Sunday (19). According to the funk singer, the crime took place near Praça Vanhargen, one of the main bar spots in the neighborhood. After noticing that the victim was the famous singer, the robbers returned the phone.
19/01/2025 – On Sunday morning (19/01), a military police officer who was working as a taxi driver shot dead another driver after an argument. According to the witnesses, the victim left his car with a gun in his hand and walked towards the taxi driver, who shot him right away. The incident took place in Rua Estrela, Praça Condessa, in Rio Comprido.
20/01/2025 – Two men robbed customers at a restaurant in Barra da Tijuca, in the West Zone. During the action, a police officer, who was among the customers, reacted and shot both criminals. The incident took place in the early hours of Monday (20), on Avenida do Pepê, facing the beach. One criminal was killed.
20/01/2025 – A shootout near Parque Oeste, in Inhoaíba, Rio’s West Zone, at around 21:30, led to the park’s early closure.
24/01/2025 – The Military Police, with support from the Civil Police, carried out an operation in the Alemão and Penha complexes, in the North Zone of Rio, on Friday morning. There was intense shooting in the areas. A man died after being hit by a stray bullet near the Penha BRT station. A police officer was shot in the head and taken in serious condition to the Getúlio Vargas State Hospital. Wander Souza dos Santos, 21, was admitted to the same unit. He was injured while at home and is in stable condition. A woman who was grazed on the head sought help at the hospital. In all, 500 officers were mobilized for the operation.