01/03/2024 – An off-duty police officer was shot as he wrongly entered the Morro do Dendê, a slum in Ilha do Governador, North RJ. The police had to build an operation to rescue their colleague. According to the Corporation, the victim followed his GPS application and entered the slum. The bandits shot him in the belly. As his colleagues were entering the slum, a brief shootout occurred. The victim was rescued to the ER and healed, but he opted to leave the hospital against medical advice.

01/03/2024 – A Portuguese citizen was arrested by the Federal Police (PF) in Barra da Tijuca, West RJ. According to the PF, the woman was under an open international warrant, emitted by Interpol, for international drug trafficking. She is now jailed, waiting for her extradition to Portugal where she will be judged.

05/03/2024 – A 24yo delivery boy was shot by an off-duty police officer in Vila Valqueire, West RJ. Indeed, the victim was delivering a food command at the residence of the officer. The cop wanted the young man to deliver his food at his apartment, but this last refused the order. After a few moments, the victim initiated a devolution procedure and returned to the restaurant. The cop followed him with his weapon, began a dispute, and shot him in the leg. The victim was rescued to the ER and passed to surgery. Yet, the cop alleged to his colleagues that the young man attempted to grab his gun and acted in self-defense. The case is being investigated by the Police Internal Affairs.

05/03/2024 – A doctor of the Fire Department entered wrongly in a slum and was kidnapped in Deodoro, West RJ. The doctor was going to her duty when she entered a slum. As the bandits stopped her, she revealed her profession. Then, the bandits took her into the slum alleging a wounded colleague of them. She was released after she healed the injured bandit.

07/03/2024 – A passenger was shot dead during a heist in a bus on Avenida Brasil in Bonsucesso, North RJ. According to the police, two armed bandits entered the bus and announced the assault. The victim got out of the vehicle but was followed by one of the criminals. As the victim reacted to the aggression, the bandit shot him dead on the sidewalk, a few meters from the bus. The criminals fled before the arrival of the police, leaving behind a pistol magazine. The police isolated the crime scene for the Forensics.

07/03/2024 – Joint operation between Federal and State police intercepted a militiamen convoy on Avenida Brasil in Campo Grande, West RJ. The convoy was composed of 4 cars and 16 militiamen who started the shootout as they were returning to their HQ. Six were wounded, 9 were arrested and one ran away. The agents also seized tactical gear, like those used in the forces, and rifles.

07/03/2024 – A congressman has been the target of a murder attempt in Vila Vintém, West RJ. According to the politician, he was returning home when 2 bandits got out of a car and started to shoot. His driver maneuvered to escape, and his security agent responded by shooting back. He also said his car is armored. The bandits fled. Nobody was hurt. The Civil Police is investigating.

08/03/2024 – A woman tried to board a flight to Paris with drugs at the Galeão International Airport. The Federal Police caught her red-handed with 3kg of cocaine stuck to her body as she was being controlled before boarding. She was charged with international drug trafficking.

09/03/2024 – The anti-kidnapping Police Department rescued an American tourist. According to the Corporation, the case was revealed as the suspect called the victim´s family to ask for a ransom. The family then advised the US authorities (US Consulate and the FBI) who advised the RJ police. The victim was found at the Galeão International Airport and the suspect was arrested in Copacabana, South RJ, in possession of the victim´s cell phone and his credit card.

10/03/2024 – A Federal Congressman´s assistant and her driver were assaulted in Tijuca, North RJ. They were waiting for the politician when 3 armed bandits got out of a car, robbed their belongings, and took the congressman´s vehicle. The action occurred in 20 seconds. The police found the car later in the day. The victims were not hurt. The investigation is in progress.

10/03/2024 – Two Colombian women with a baby tried to board a flight to Paris with drugs at the Galeão International Airport. The Federal Police caught them red-handed with 10kg of cocaine in the false bottom of a suitcase as they were being controlled before boarding. They were charged with international drug trafficking.

11/03/2024 – A bandit, impersonated a Receita Federal agent, and invaded an apartment in Lagoa, South RJ. The janitor of the compound suspected the man´s attitude as he was in the elevator, returning from an apartment. The employee then locked the suspect inside the elevator and called the police. As the patrol arrived, they could rescue the victim and arrest the suspect in flagrante delicto. All the stolen items were returned to the victim.

12/03/2024 – An off-duty police officer was shot dead in Realengo, West RJ. The officer was shot during an assault attempt and died on the spot. The Forensics went to the crime scene to get fingerprints that could identify the bandits. One of the shots hit the windshield of a public bus but nobody was hurt.

12/03/2024 – A police officer was shot during a robbery attempt in Maracanã, North RJ. The victim was on his motorcycle with his daughter when bandits approached them and announced the heist. He received 4 bullets and was rescued to the hospital. His health status is still unknown. He is the third officer to have been shot on this day. The other 2 died.

12/03/2024 – A man took a bus with 16 passengers hostage in the bus station Rodoviária Novo Rio in Santo Cristo, central area of RJ. The bandit also shot at 2 persons outside of the bus. One of them is in severe condition of health. The BOPE was leading the 3h negotiations and had success in the surrender of the bandit. The suspect was placed in custody.

12/03/2024 – During a shootout in Taquara, West RJ, a police officer narrowly escapes from a hand grenade blast. An individual camera fixed on the uniform of one of his colleagues recorded the action. The officer was almost blasted and has been supported by his comrades. His days are not in peril. Nobody was arrested.

13/03/2024 – A State Congressman was assaulted on Avenida Brasil in Vigário Geral, North RJ. According to his assistant, a man took the Congressman´s cell phone from an open window and fled. The politician´s security agent ran after the bandit and a brief shootout ensued. The security agent took back the device and the congressman commented on the event on his social media.

13/03/2024 – The Police realized an important operation in the penitentiary of Bangu, West RJ. According to the Corporation, the operation was targeting Comando Vermelho (CV) leaders who were ordering the gang´s activities from inside the prison. The investigation pointed out that taxed services, such as the furnishing of water, gas, and internet, earned the gang more than R$ 15 million per month. This money was used to buy weapons, ammunition, cell phones, and IT material.

15/03/2024 – Two police officers on motorcycles were run over by a 4-car convoy of State Congressmen in Vigário Geral, North RJ. According to the Corporation, the convoy was circulating on the BRT reserved track, ran over the 2 bikers from the “BRT Seguro” force, and ran away without assisting. Other officers, colleagues of the victims, could stop the convoy further on the track. The 2 victims were rescued, and their days are not in peril. Yet, the congressmen will have to explain why they were circulating on a reserved track, as they are not authorized to do so.

16/03/2024 – Two men were kidnapped and tortured in Recreio dos Bandeirantes, West RJ. According to the police, a patrol went to control 2 men who ran away. After a pursuit, the cops did not find them but encountered instead 2 other men bound and blindfolded. They were in a state of panic when rescued and told the officers they were going to buy drugs when the bandits found in one´s cell phone some pictures showing them signing a rival gang´s symbol. The bandits told them they would be executed.

16/03/2024 – A pursuit in South RJ ended in 2 deaths and 3 wounded, including the police officers. The action occurred in the region of Catete, way to Botafogo. A patrol tried to control a motorcycle with 2 teenagers when the latter did not obey the police order to stop. A few moments later, the motorcycle hit the sidewalk and the police vehicle hit an electric post. One of the teens died on the spot and the other died at the hospital. According to the Corporation, there will be an investigation to determine the circumstances of the occurrence.

16/03/2024 – A woman was caught with 30kgs of cannabis in the bus station Rodoviária Novo Rio, in Santo Cristo, central area of RJ. According to the Corporation, a patrol of the Tourist Battalion was a woman with a nervous attitude as the cops were approaching her. As she was being controlled, the officers found 30kgs of cannabis in her luggage. She was immediately placed in custody.

20/03/2024 – A man was kidnapped during a car trade scam in Humaitá, South RJ. The victim was negotiating a car trade when he was kidnapped by the supposed seller and 3 accomplices, and forced to transfer R$ 40k. The victim succeeded in escaping by provoking an accident with another car. In the meanwhile, the police had been called by witnesses and caught one of the suspects.

21/03/2024 – A woman died during a dragnet assault in Inhaúma, North RJ. According to the first elements, the victim was in her car and tried to escape from a heist, when one of the bandits shot at her. An off-duty police officer replied and made the criminals run away. Yet, the woman was evacuated to the ER, but she did not make it.

23/03/2024 – An off-duty Police Officer died during a robbery in Cachambi, North RJ. The victim reacted to a robbery and was hit during the shootout. One of the bandits also died on the spot and his weapon was seized.

24/03/2024 – A taxi driver was murdered in Tauá, Ilha do Governador, North RJ. According to the Police, the 32-year-old victim was already dead when the officers arrived on the spot. Witnesses declared that the man was also working as a “mototaxi” in the area. An investigation is in progress.

24/03/2024 – Santa Cruz militia leader was shot dead in a motel in Sepetiba, West RJ. Units from the Organized Crime Enforcement Department (DRACO) led the operation. As the detectives arrived at the motel, the suspect started the shootout. Two cops were wounded. The bandit was severely wounded and died during his transfer to the ER. After the shootout, the detectives seized a rifle, a gun, tactical gear, and a robbed car. The man was a fugitive since 2020.

26/03/2024 – A bandit died while he was running from the Police on Avenida Brasil in Manguinhos, North RJ. According to the Police, the officers received information about a stolen vehicle. Once they saw the car, they ordered the suspect to stop, but he disobeyed and ran over one of the cops. The suspect was wounded in the action and died at the hospital. A toy rifle was found in the car.

26/03/2024 – Kiosks were robbed on the beachside of Barra da Tijuca, West RJ. According to the owners and employees, the crimes are constants in the region. During one of them, the security cameras filmed one bandit with a candy box pretending he was selling some candies. This is a technique for the criminals not to be noticed by any police officer. According to the Public Security Institute, robberies in this area increased by 27% in January 2024 in comparison with January 2023.

27/03/2024 – A woman tried to board a bus with rifles and guns in the bus station Rodoviária Novo Rio, in Santo Cristo, central region of RJ. According to the Police, a routine patrol in the station noticed the woman with a heavy suitcase and a suspicious attitude. When they were controlling her, they asked her to open the luggage. Inside, they found 2 rifles, 2 handguns, magazines, and ammunition for the rifles. she declared having received and boarded in Curitiba, Paraná (PR), and heading to Vitória, Espírito Santo (ES). She also told the cops she was to receive R$ 6k for the trip.


  • During summer months, mass robberies and thefts in touristic spots become the most prevalent security risks in Rio de Janeiro, specially in the city’s South Zone.
    • Crowded beaches and its vicinities should be avoided.
    • Avoid any display of wealth (jewelry, cell phones), but always carry a small amount of money (R$50) to hand over to muggers.
    • In case of robbery: cooperate, do not try to run after the assailant as he or she might not be alone or turn violent.
    • In the case of being in the immediate vicinity of a shootout:
      • Lay on the ground and seek cover.
      • When it is safe to do so, find the nearest building, stay away from windows, do not move unless you are sure that the gunfire has ended.
    • Avoid walking alone in poorly lit areas or beaches after nightfall. Avoid walking through tunnels.
    • Avoid the vicinity of crime-prone areas such as ‘communities’ (so-called ‘favelas’) and lower-income neighborhoods.
    • Be always cautious, even in the areas considered safe such as Downtown, Botafogo, Copacabana and Ipanema. Exercise caution in the Centro during the day and avoid the area after nightfall and on Sundays.
    • Be careful when using the GPS as they may lead you to unsafe areas controlled by organized crime. Prefere Cooperative taxis instead of driving yourself.
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