Civil Police analyses information that drug dealers from two rival criminal factions and a militia gang have been using card machines, or electronic transfers via pix, to sell drugs or charge extortion. In a video released by the Greek influencer Timmy Karter, he showed his stay, for one day and one night, in Complexo do Chapadão, North Zone. In the images, it is possible to visualize a bench selling cocaine pins, marijuana and Chloroethane (“perfume launchers”), in addition to a card machine. The recording does not show the criminals faces responsible for the illegal trade. Traffic in Chapadão is controlled by the biggest criminal faction in Rio, the Red Command. But the gang is not the only one to use cards in their businesses. Information received by the police shows that the group that controls trafficking in Cidade Alta, Parada de Lucas and Vigário Geral, North Zone, would also use these machines to sell cocaine and marijuana. Civil Police have also found evidence that the militia led by Zinho made pix available to receive extortion payments. Cases of electronic payments received by criminals, via pix, have been investigated by the General Department to Combat Corruption, Organized Crime and Money Laundering (DGCOR-LD), by the Anti-Money Laundering Technology Laboratory, and by the Combat Police Station to Criminal Organizations and Money Laundering.
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12/05/2023 – Rio de Janeiro Civil Police arrested, in São Paulo, three people for applying the fake ticket scam. The gang got data from health plan users, got in touch with them and issued false bills so that people would pay for the services. Users, who received services from the health company, believed they were paying the company. The police estimate that the gang stole R$4 million in one year.
12/05/2023 – Rio de Janeiro Cardinal-Archbishop, Dom Orani Tempesta, was robbed on Avenida Brasil, close to the Barros Filho neighborhood, North Zone. The priest was returning from a mass in Bangu when he was attacked. Armed men surrounded the vehicle where Dom Orani was traveling with his driver and ordered everyone to get out. Cell phones of the archbishop and the driver, episcopal ring, mass clothes, books and watches were taken.
14/05/2023 – A former military police officer was killed with several rifle shots on Rua Spinoza, in the Campo de Grande neighborhood, West Zone. According to security camera footage, at least seven hooded men got out of two cars that stopped in the middle of the street. The armed group approached residents who were talking on the sidewalk and surrounded one of them. A first rifle shot is fired at the man at close range. Other rifle shots are fired at the man who falls to the ground.
14/05/2023 – The Special Office for Tourism Support (Deat) has opened an inquiry to investigate the death of a Chilean tourist and attacks on a second Chilean, who is hospitalized at the Souza Aguiar Municipal Hospital.According to the police, they were in Lapa, on Saturday (13/05) night. Hours later, they were found at the Mirante do Rato Molhado, on Rua Francisca de Andrade, in Santa Teresa. The main line of investigation is that they were drugged in the “Boa Noite, Cinderella” scam (spike drink scam) and then robbed.
15/05/2023 – A man was shot dead during a shooting in Jacarezinho Favela. A video shows the moment the victim, known as Girino, is taken to the Emergency Care Unit. Circumstances of his death are still unknown. In a note, Military Police reported that officers from the Shock Battalion arrested a man and seized a large amount of drugs in the community.
16/08/2023 – Civil and Military Police carried out a joint operation in Complexo da Penha, North Zone, to try to arrest criminals who participated in the attack on the Caixa Econômica Federal branch on Ilha do Governador. According to residents, the shooting started at 3:00. One person was shot in the arm, he was at home and got up to go to the bathroom when he was hit. The police targets are two thugs from Bahia known as “Bolota” and “Gordo Paloso”.
16/05/2023 – An illegal junkyard that operated on land owned by the City of Rio was knocked down during an operation carried out by the Municipal Secretariat of Public Order (Seop). The construction, without any authorization to operate, was on Rua dos Araújos, in Tijuca, North Zone. In it, 15 kilos of copper and a revolver were found. A man believed to be responsible for the gun has been arrested. The Seop secretary points out that he carries out daily actions in junkyards to curb the purchase and sale of materials without origin, which, since 2021, already amount to about 10 tons seized, from copper wires to manhole covers and waste bins from Comlurb.
16/05/2023 – Fans of Flamengo and Fluminense got involved in a fight, around Maracanã, right after the match between them. The fight was on the walkway that connects the stadium to the train and subway station. The Military Police (PM) cavalry had to intervene. The PMs also had to use batons and tear gas bombs to disperse the riot. Before and during the match, the PM said it arrested 30 members of organized supporters. In addition, the military seized brass knuckles, fireworks, drugs, and a ninja cap.
17/05/2023 – A gang that used to scam women between the ages of 40 and 80 was arrested. Members were meeting with some victims in an office on Rua General Artigas, in Leblon, South Zone. More than one hundred records of women were seized. Criminals used the name of a well-known company in the fashion world to charge victims money for photo books that could lead them to participate in advertising campaigns. However, after receiving the requested amount, they ended contact with the women. To deceive the victims, they claimed to have famous brands as customers.
18/05/2023 – The Military and Civil Police carried out an operation in Complexo da Maré, North Zone. Teams from the Special Operations Battalion (Bope) and the Coordination of Special Resources (Core) went to the Parque União and Nova Holanda communities. The action, according to the Military Police, aims to arrest criminals involved in cargo and vehicles thefts. Residents reported an intense shooting.
18/05/2023 – A shooting stopped traffic on Rodovia Washington Luís, near the Gramacho neighborhood, in Duque de Caxias, Baixada Fluminense. Images circulating on social networks show drivers abandoning their cars and trying to protect themselves. According to the Military Police (PM), criminals on a motorcycle tried to steal a vehicle in Gramacho, on Avenida Governador Leonel de Moura Brizola, when a Military Police team thwarted the action. Still according to the PM, there was a shooting. There are no reports of injuries or arrests.
18/05/2023 – A man was shot dead on Avenida Engenheiro Souza Filho, in the Itanhangá neighborhood, in Jacarepaguá, West Zone. The victim was a delivery guy and was hit by the shots while he was still on top of the motorcycle. According to residents, he would have been killed by militiamen.
19/05/2023 – Civil Police carried out an operation in the community of Parada de Lucas, North Zone. As a result of the operation, there was a shooting on Avenida Brasil, close to the neighborhoods of Parada de Lucas and Vigário Geral. The purpose of the action was to prevent drug dealers from the region from invading communities belonging to rival criminal groups. According to an investigation by the Intelligence Sector, during that dawn there was a movement of drug dealers from other locations to reinforce the possible invasion. It would be part of a plan to expand territories, to form the “Israel Complex”, composed of the Cidade Alta, Vigário Geral, Parada de Lucas, Cinco Bocas and Pica-Pau communities.