28/12/2024 – A 46-year-old woman got a black eye and other bruises after getting into a physical fight with a bandit who was robbing her apartment on Rua Princesa Isabel, in Vila Belmiro, on Saturday (28/12). The thief managed to escape and took a watch, a credit card, and a card machine.
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28-29/12/2024 – Two Oxxo grocery stores in Santos were victims of robberies last weekend, on Saturday (28/12) and Sunday (29/12). According to the company’s press office, no one was injured and there were no arrests of suspects. The Civil Police are investigating the cases. According to Oxxo, the crimes occurred in stores on Rua Nabuco de Araújo, in Embaré, and Rua Carvalho de Mendonça, in Vila Belmiro. The Civil Police reported that there were three individuals. They entered the place and surrendered the employees.