18/06/2022 – A criminal invaded the house, in the morning, and robbed a credit card, R$ 700 cash and a R$ 3.500 bicycle, in Embaré neighborhood.
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19/06/2022 – A 26-year-old man was arrested in flagrante in the morning carrying 30 bricks of cocaine (approximately 32 kg), in Vila São Jorge. The drug was hidden inside a vehicle that was on a crane truck platform.
20/06/2022 – Agents of the Municipal Guard of Santos arrested in the afternoon, a man accused of stealing a bicycle parked in front of an establishment, at Av. Rodrigues Alves, in Macuco. The people were beating him in the street, but the police removed the suspect before he was lynched.
22/06/2022 – A man was filmed by the Operational Control Center cameras of Santos City Hall, climbing the façade of a bank, in Pedro II St., in the Center. The police arrested the criminal, who was trying to flee.
22/06/2022 – A man, suspected of shooting a captain of the Military Police was located during a police operation in the morning, in the Northwest Zone of Santos.