Downtown São Paulo is experiencing a crisis. In recent months, the Cracolândia, an agglomeration of drug addicts and sellers, has already moved through several streets in the neighborhoods of Campos Elíseos, Santa Cecília and República and is currently on the corner of Rua dos Gusmões and Rua Conselheiro Nébias. This concentration of drug users is often associated with robberies, mass robberies, violence and vandalism and has generated fear and concern in those who work, have business, or frequent the region. On Friday (07/04), a pharmacy and a minimarket were looted on Avenida São João. According to the Metropolitan Civil Guard (GCM), the mass robberies were carried out by drug users from Cracolândia. On Sunday (09/04) drug users invaded a snack bar on Avenida Rio Branco.According to the City Hall, various occurrences involving drug addicts who circulate through the region began after they started project to dismantle the Cracolândia. Since the beginning of the month, a joint action involving the Metropolitan Civil Guard, Military Police and Civil Police in Cracolândia, in addition to health agents, has carried out operations in the Santa Ifigênia and Campos Elíseos neighborhoods. There are rounds three times a day by janitor teams on the streets of the central region where Cracolândia has been established over the last four months. Amid this increase in tension and disturbance, Governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) inaugurated, on Tuesday (11/04), the Care Hub for Crack and Other Drugs. The new point of reference place to take care of drug users will replace the Reference Center for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (Cratod), which had been operating since 2012 and was reformulated to make way for this new project. With this, the government seeks to expand assistance to drug addicts.

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