01/03/2024 – A retired police officer was shot dead in Vila Matilde, East SP. Indeed, according to the security cameras of the area, a bandit parked his motorcycle, went towards his victim, and shot at him. Once the officer was down, the criminal took his gun and collar. The officer was evacuated to the ER but died on his arrival at the hospital. The bandit is still on the run.
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04/03/2024 – A police officer was shot dead on Avenida dos Bandeirantes, South SP, during an assault attempt. Indeed, the victim was on her motorcycle when the bandit, on another motorcycle, approached her and shot her in the head. The victim was evacuated to the ER but she died on her arrival at the hospital.
06/03/2024 – A bandit assaulted a driver in his car in Bela Vista, central area of São Paulo. According to the video recorded by an applicative driver, the victim was at a red signal when the suspect, accompanied by at least 2 other men, broke the window of the car, took something, and ran away. The action occurred in front of traffic agents, who supported the victim.
06/03/2024 – Two of the biggest exporters of stolen cell phones were arrested and hundreds of devices were seized in the Centre of SP. Indeed, according to the investigation, the bandits earned more than R$ 10 million in 5 years of traffic. The operation is the result of a case occurred by the end of 2023, when more than 800 devices were seized.
07/03/2024 – A suspect was spying on police radio frequencies in Vila Pirituba, North SP. The police arrested him and seized 27 radios after an investigation initiated in February 2024. Indeed, the detectives perceived a trade on the internet where the suspect was selling these radios with the frequency of the police. The suspect was placed in preventive custody, but the case is still in progress to catch his accomplices.
08/03/2024 – A famous 79yo haute couture stylist was aggressed at his residence in Bela Vista, South SP. The crime occurred as the victim was returning home late at night and met his aggressors inside his apartment. He has been hit in the head and has been rescued by neighbors. The bandits fled without stealing anything. The police are now investigating.
08/03/2024 – A man died after having aggressed a police officer in Jardim Oriental, South SP. According to the Corporation, a patrol was asked to control a couple who were discussing on a public bus. During the control, they aggressed a female officer and tried to grab her gun. The man was shot and died at the hospital. Yet the injured officer passed to a corpus delicti.
09/03/2024 – A woman was caught red-handed trying to kill her 3yo daughter in Jardim Ângela, South SP. According to the report, a witness heard the child crying and shouting and saw the mother strangling her daughter. The witness tried to immobilize the woman and as she tried to grab a knife, other persons helped to contain the suspect. The mother has been arrested and charged with a homicide attempt. Yet, the child was rescued at the hospital.
10/03/2024 – Eight teenagers escaped from a youth detention center in Vila Leopoldina, West SP. According to the Corporation, the teenagers threatened agents to access the entrance of the detention center. The police have been actioned and already caught one. Investigation is in progress to localize and catch the others.
13/03/2024 – Two bikers involved in assaults in Saúde, South SP. According to residents of the district, the region has been targeted quite daily by the team since the beginning of March 2024. Security cameras in the area showed them following their victim and threatening with a gun. Instants after they were already assaulting others passing by in another street. The State Secretary of Public Security published a note that they are investigating the case to identify the bandits.
14/03/2024 – Road rage left one dead in Rio Pequeno, West SP. According to the police, a car driver cut up a biker and provoked the falling of his back passenger. A discussion and a road rage started. A few streets later, the driver of the car left his vehicle with a screwdriver and stabbed the biker at least 10 times. The victim died on the spot. Yet, the aggressor was arrested in the neighboring city of Carapicuíba.
16/03/2024 – An app driver was assaulted in Heliópolis, South SP. The driver was with a passenger when 5 bandits surrendered him and took all their belongings and the car. He succeeded help with a police patrol. After a search operation, the police found the car back and returned it to the driver.
21/03/24 – A man was carjacked and kidnapped by 3 bandits and had an accident on Marginal Pinheiros in Jaguaré, West SP. The victim was returning home in Osasco when he was attacked. During the ride, the criminals physically aggressed the victim to have the codes to enter his bank account and forced a police roadblock. The police then engaged a pursuit on Marginal Pinheiros, the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed. All passengers had light wounds but still have been evacuated to a hospital. Two of the 3 bandits were fugitives. A knife and a gun were found.
21/03/2024 – A man impersonated a caretaker to rob elderlies at their residence in Aclimação, central area of SP. According to the police, the man used to drug his victims to steal their belongings and economies. In one residence, the bandit almost killed one 80yo victim as the latter was recovering from cancer treatment. In this home, the bandit took all the victims’ savings and their jewelry. The bandit was helped by his spouse. Both were arrested in their residence and charged with aggravated robbery. The detectives also seized an important quantity of cash, watches, and cell phones.
24/03/2024 – A teenager stole more than 80 credit cards during the Lollapalooza show in Interlagos, South SP. According to the Secretary of Public Security, he and other 10 suspects were arrested for having robbed credit cards and cell phones. Among the suspects, 4 were fugitives. At least 44 devices were recovered and returned to their owners.
24/03/2024 – A father strangled his 18-year-old daughter in Bela Vista, central region of SP. According to the detectives, he killed her during a discussion. After having killed her, he burnt the body and tried to hide it in an access to Avenida 23 de Maio. As the mother of the victim went to the precinct to declare the disappearance of her daughter, the investigators found the body and went to arrest the father.
25/03/2024 – Three residents of Campinas were kidnapped in Guaianases, East SP. They were victims of the “Car Trade” scam as they were negotiating the purchase of a vehicle via the Internet. As they were about to pick up the car, they were kidnapped and robbed by 3 armed bandits. One suspect was arrested.
- Stay away from any protest most likely to occur in the city center, including Avenida Paulista, the MASP, Praça do Ciclista, Praça da Sé, Largo da Batata and Praça da Republica.
- Attention when walking downtown São Paulo, especially in Liberdade and Sé districts. At night, these regions are no-go zones.
- Monitor the local media in order to circumvent protest locations, including social media.
- If caught in a demonstration: remain still and take the time to see which way the crowd is going; attempt to leave the area by going against the movement of the crowd; avoid using your mobile phone, taking pictures or filming the demonstration; go to the nearest building as soon as possible and wait until the situation clears; try to avoid contact with security forces if possible.
- Considering the high crime rate of some locations in São Paulo, business travelers and expatriates should comply with safety rules in order to reduce the risk linked to violent crime. In case of an assault, it is strictly recommended not to resist and avoid making any sharp movement that may irritate criminals, who do not hesitate to open fire.
- Avoid, if possible, circulating through the neighborhoods in the East Zone and peripheral neighborhoods in other zones due to the high rates of various crimes.
- Pay attention when trying to meet new people on the internet as criminals use the dating apps and social networks to apply scams.
- Due to several police operations, drug users previously concentrated in a region called “Cracolândia” have spread across downtown, leading to an increase in petty crimes. Hence, avoid walking around with your cell phone in your hand, in addition to wearing jewels and expensive watches.
- The number of express kidnappings has increased lately due to a new method (PIX) that allows people to easily transfer money using bank apps. Cooperate in order to mitigate the risk of violence.
- Attention to the windows when inside a vehicle. Keep them closed, as criminals use heavy traffic to rob passengers that expose valuables.
- Keep in mind useful numbers: Emergency police number (190), and São Paulo tourist Police (+55 11 3120 4447).