According to a survey made by the Brazilian Public Security Forum (FBSP) and released on Monday (30/01), almost 40% of public security professionals consider that the invasion of the headquarters of the Three Powers Plaza on 8 January, in Brasília, was reprehensible and cannot be tolerated. However, at the same time, they understand that the guidelines defended by the invaders were legitimate and do not attack democracy.
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Main Data Collected
- 40% of the police fully or partially agree that the invasion is reprehensible, but the guidelines defended by the invaders were legitimate and did not threaten democracy. However, 52% fully or partially disagree
- 56% totally or partially agree that there was an omission in policing
- 59% totally or partially agree that the conduct of the police assigned to the initial protection lines of the buildings was inadequate and without the necessary rigor to control civil disturbances
- 51% totally or partially agree that the conduct of the PMDF was correct and the problem was exclusively of political command
The questions were answered by military, civil, federal, federal highway, penal police officers and civil guards between 24 and 27 January — on the eve of the end of the intervention decreed by the federal government in the security of the Federal District.
Our Analysis:
Data collected by the survey may reinforce the idea of a strong influence of former President Jair Bolsonaro in the security forces, since many agree with the guidelines defended by the invaders. At the same time, it likely shows that this influence may not be as absolute as some could have though, because 52% of those interviewed fully or partially disagree with the guidelines defended by the invaders.