In a statement to the Federal Police, Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid, aide-de-camp during Jair Bolsonaro’s mandate, stated that his former boss discussed with Armed Forces commanders the possibility of a coup d’état. The information was revealed in the early hours of last Thursday (21/09). Even though the information is still only part of his testimony in a witness immunity program, the content provoked reactions of important authorities.
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Meeting with the Armed Forces Summit
According to Cid, in addition to Bolsonaro, the meetings were attended by the top members of the Armed Forces and ministers from the military wing. The topic of these meetings was a document, at that time still being drafted, that would open the possibility of intervention. The document would be a decree that would include a series of illegal measures, including the removal of authorities from their positions. If put into practice, the coup plan would prevent the change of government in Brazil.
Cid’s testimony is part of an agreement with the Federal Police. According to the report, the soldier told investigators that he participated in the meetings.
Navy Commander Would Have Accepted
Mauro Cid also reported that the then commander of the Navy, Admiral Almir Garnier Santos, had told Bolsonaro that his troops would be ready to join a call from the then president. On the other hand, the Army Command stated that his troops would not take part in the coup plan.
Diaries kept by an aide-de-camp recorded secret meetings held by former president Jair Bolsonaro with commanders of the Armed Forces in the period immediately following the 2nd round of the 2022 elections.
Defense Minister’s Comment
On Friday (22/09), Defense Minister José Múcio Monteiro stated in an interview that, when participating in the transition between the Jair Bolsonaro and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva governments, at the end of 2022, it was possible to realize that “a lot of people don’t I wanted to give up power”. The comment was made after being questioned about information disclosed the day before that former Navy commander Almir Garnier had coup intentions. He also added that the former commander did not receive him during the process, but the other two, from the Army and the Navy, did.
Defense Minister Múcio also told journalist that he needs to know the names of the military who discussed coup plans so that, in fact, they are punished.
Navy’s Statement
After Cid said that the Navy former commander accepted the idea of a coup, the institution declared that “it is faithful in complying with the law”. The Navy also stated that an officer’s opinion does not reflect the Force’s position.
Bolsonaro’s Defense
On Thursday (21/09), former President Jair Bolsonaro’s defense released a statement to say that he did not condone “outlaw” actions. The defense also claimed that Bolsonaro always acted “within the four lines of the Constitution”.