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According to data from the media consortium, until last Wednesday (14/09), 14.035.499 children between 3 and 11 years of age have been vaccinated at least once against Covid-19. This number represents almost 53,12% of the population in this age group. 9.453.391 are fully immunized by taking the second dose of vaccines, which corresponds to 35,78% of the population in this group.
According to data released by the Health Secretaries National Council (Conass) and the Health Ministry, during the 142nd (11 to 17 September) epidemiological week, the number of new Covid-19 confirmed cases in Brazil decreased by 4,06% when compared to the 141st (04 to 10 September) week. In terms of deaths of patients with Covid-19, a 3,61% decrease was registered while compared to the 141st week.
According to information released by the Our World in Data webpage on Sunday (18/09), Brazil has 172,07 million people fully vaccinated or 80,28% of its total population. Brazil has approximately 212 million citizens, according to IBGE. Worldwide, 62,45% (4,94 billion) of people are fully vaccinated. Below, the graph with Brazil and other nations.