The Central Bank (BC) announced on Monday (22/07) adjustments to Pix regulations to improve its security mechanisms and defined June 16, 2025, as the new launch date for Automatic Pix. The changes are expected to come into effect on 1 November this year.
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New Devices
According to the monetary authority, devices that have never been used to initiate a transfer via Pix will only be able to make transactions of up to R$200, with a daily limit of R$1,000 in total. For transactions outside these limits, the access device must have been previously registered by the customer.
Old Devices
Cell phones and computers that already use the resource, however, will not be affected. The new rules only apply to devices that have not yet been used. If the user changes their cell phone or key from November onwards, the limits will apply to the new device. To unlock the limit, the user must confirm with the financial institution that the device can be released for larger value transactions.
Security Checks
To ensure the security of the entry and exit of funds into accounts through Pix transactions, participants will have to use a fraud risk management solution that takes into account the security information stored at the Central Bank and is capable of identifying atypical Pix transactions or not compatible with the customer profile. They will also have to check, at least once every six months, whether their customers have fraud flags in the BC database.
Automatic Pix
About Automatic Pix, the BC stated that the tool will be made available to the population on 16 June 2025, to facilitate recurring charges, and can be used as a form of receipt by a wide variety of companies. With it, after prior authorization, the user will allow periodic debits automatically, without the need for authentication for each transaction.
The recent decision by the Central Bank (BC) to adjust Pix regulations represents a crucial step towards strengthening the security of digital transactions in Brazil. By limiting transactions from new devices, the Central Bank (BC) makes the work of fraudsters who try to use unregistered devices to carry out high-value fraud considerably more difficult. Additionally, requiring new devices to be registered in advance to unlock higher limits provides an additional layer of verification and security.
The implementation of fraud risk management solutions, which use security information stored at the BC and identify atypical Pix transactions or those incompatible with the customer profile, is a strategic measure to proactively detect and prevent fraud. The postponement of the launch of Pix Automatic, now scheduled for 2025, also emphasizes security.
Sources: A Folha de SP.