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Number of families in poverty in the city of São Paulo grew by more than 30% in January 2022, compared to 2021. According to a survey carried out with data collected from the city’s Cadastro Único (CadÚnico), in January 2021, 473.814 families were in this situation, and this year, there are 619.869, an increase of 30,82%. For specialists, CadÚnico figures do not show the real scenario on extreme poverty in the city, since many people are outside its data base. CadÚnico is a registry that allows the government to know how low-income families in Brazil are and how they live. Enrollment in the Cadastro Único is carried out only in person. In São Paulo, the districts that have more families in extreme poverty are in the South Zone of the city:
- M’Boi Mirim: 41.308
- Socorro Chapel: 39.230
- City Ademar: 38.108
Those with the lowest number of families in extreme poverty are:
- Lapa, in the West Zone: 4.996
- Vila Mariana, in the South Zone: 2.964
- Pinheiros, in the West Zone: 2.024