04/11/2023 – The Military Police seized a large quantity of drugs in vacant land in the Bela Vista neighborhood. After receiving an anonymous tip reporting that drug traffickers in the Bela Vista neighborhood were using a vacant lot on Rua José Alzeman, Miramar, to store drugs, the Military Police managed to locate a large quantity of drugs at the location. The material was seized.

06/11/2023 – A team from Macaé Present Security arrested two men while they disguised themselves as employees of a telecommunications company to steal fiber optic cables. At the time of the approach, the criminals were wearing shirts with the inscription “at the service of OI” and were in a vehicle also identified as belonging to the company. They also carried extension ladders, helmets, belts, and a series of personal protective equipment, simulating a network maintenance team.

13/11/2023 – Military Police arrested 2 criminals dealing drugs nearby the Communitarian Health Centre in Nova Holanda, Centre Macaé. The Police went over there to check an information given by an anonymous source. Both bandits ran when the officers arrive, but they were captured.

22/11/2023 – 23yo woman has been kidnapped in Granja dos Cavaleiros, West Macaé. A man got out of his car, grabbed her by the hair, and threw her inside the car. Some people who witnessed the scene ran after the car, but they could not reach it. (update 23/11/2023) The woman has been found and rescued by the police in Belford Roxo, North suburb of Rio de Janeiro. She was tortured and her hair has been shaved. The investigations point out that her ex-boyfriend could be behind the crime.

26/11/2023 – Bandit has been caught red handed invading the mall Shopping Plaza Macaé, in the early morning of Sunday. He could open the mall´s main gate using a remote control but has been caught by the security cameras of the mall. Police has been actioned and could arrest the felon robbing a shop of cell phones.

26/11/2023 – Body of an unidentified man has been found in the sand on the beach, in the early morning of Sunday, in Lagomar, East Macaé. Police have opened an investigation to know both the identity of the victim and the reason of his trespass.


  • After dark, avoid Glória and the Centro (Downtown).
  • After dark, avoid walking alone in Praia Campista and Cavaleiros.
  • Avoid Lagomar, Barra de Macaé, Engenho da Praia, Planalto da Ajuda, Ajuda de Cima, Ajuda de Baixo, Morro de Santana and Morro de São Jorge (in Paraíso), Fronteira, Jardim Maringá, Barra, Nova Holanda, Malvinas, Botafogo, Aroeira, Parque Aeroporto and the surroundings of Favela da Linha (in between Visconde de Araújo and Cajueiros), as risks of collateral damage and assault are high in these areas.
  • As much as possible, restrict movement in the districts of Novo Horizonte (in Vale Encantado) and Parque Aeroporto. Do not walk alone in these areas and use only licensed taxis.
  • Be careful when walking downtown, avoid exposing valuables.
  • Be always cautious, including in areas perceived as safe.
  • Avoid any display of wealth (jewelry, cell phones), but always carry a small amount of money (R$50) to hand.
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