31/05/2024 – Military police and criminals exchanged gunfire on Friday night (05/31) in one of the accesses to Morro do Fubá, in Campinho. Marluci Lopes Pereira, 63, was driving through the area and was shot and died. The Military Police reported that a group of armed criminals left in two cars from the Fubá Community, in Campinho, and shot at the unit’s agents. A criminal was also shot and died.
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31/05/2024 – Human bones were found, on Friday morning (31/05), inside a pipe, on Dona Delfina Street, in Tijuca, North Zone of Rio. The remains were inside a manhole next to a plot of land where a real estate development is currently being built. The remains were sent to the Institute of Forensic Medicine.
31/05/2024 – Motorcyclist Alan Salles died after being run over in Vila Isabel, North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, on Friday (31/05). According to witnesses, the young man was killed after getting involved in a traffic fight with a taxi driver. During the altercation, the young man tried to break the driver’s rearview mirror. Witnesses say the taxi driver chased Alan and pressed him against a pole on Teodoro da Silva Street. The motorcyclist died on the spot and the taxi driver fled.
01/06/2024 – A man was shot dead by a penal police officer, on Saturday (01/05), on Amaro Cavalcanti Street, in Todos os Santos, North Zone of Rio. According to the Military Police, the agent reacted to an attempted robbery and hit two suspects. One died and the other was taken to the hospital. According to the police, a fake firearm, a cell phone, and a motorcycle were seized.
01/06/2024 – The police are investigating complaints made by app drivers who reported on social networks that they were taken hostage by criminals, during the last week of May, in Ilha do Governador. In audio released on social networks, they say that they were trapped in the favela and charged so that they could leave. Still, according to the drivers, they were lured to fake rides to pick up passengers, but when they arrived at Rua Magno Martins, they were surrendered by bandits from Morro do Dendê. According to the complaints, the bandits are part of the criminal organization Terceiro Comando Puro (TCP), which controls the area, they expanded their illegal business to collect fees through extortion against app drivers. Since this incident, app drivers have been avoiding the neighborhoods inside Ilha.
01/06/2024 – Seventeen men armed with assault rifles linked to the Terceiro Comando Puro (TCP) faction appear in a video published on X (formerly Twitter), on Saturday (01/06), at the top of a hill threatening the rivals of the Red Command. The group, which wields high-caliber weapons in the air, calls itself the ‘Solomon’s Top’ and threatens to take over the region of Praça Seca, in the West Zone. The area, currently dominated by the Red Command (CV), is experiencing a wave of violence due to the dispute over control of drug-selling spots.
02/06/2024 – A 28-year-old man was shot on Sunday afternoon (02), while drinking with friends in the vicinity of Mangueira, in Rio’s North Zone. According to witnesses, occupants of a car passed by shooting at a group, which was in a bar shortly after the derby between Vasco and Flamengo, at Maracanã.
02/06/2024 – The body of a 70-year-old woman was found on Sunday afternoon (02) inside her home, on Estrada Salazar Mendes de Moraes, in Taquara, West RJ. Her son, a retired firefighter, was arrested on suspicion of killing his mother. Gabriel Soares was the victim’s only child and had a drug problem for a few years.
03/06/2024 – A motorcycle taxi driver died after being run over in Copacabana, in Rio’s South Zone, in the late hours of Monday (03/06). According to witnesses, the victim was involved in an argument inside a nightclub. On the way out of the place, Luiz Antônio Basto Bispo was chased by the driver of a black Celta, identified as Guilherme Francavilla Ribeiro, 37, and fell off the motorcycle. Guilherme was arrested.
05/06/2024 – A military police officer was shot on Wednesday afternoon (05/06) during an attempted robbery on Avenida Brasil, in Rio’s North Zone. Military Police reported that the PM was off duty when he was approached by criminals in the vicinity of one of the accesses to Vila do João, in the Maré complex. Police officers from the 22nd BPM (Maré) were activated and, according to the corporation, policing was reinforced in the region.
05/06/2024 – A suspect was killed after trying to rob an off-duty military police officer on Avenida Brasil, near Deodoro, in Rio’s West Zone, on Thursday (5). According to the PM, a satellite signal jammer — used to prevent tracking of stolen cars — and a revolver were seized from the criminal. According to the first information, the suspect would have tried to steal the PM’s Renegade jeep.
07/06/2024 – Two men were arrested by military police in the early hours of Friday (7), while riding with a stolen motorcycle and a pistol in Santa Teresa, in the Central Region of Rio. According to the PM, they were found while patrolling a team from the 5th BPM (Gamboa) in the region and one of them was a fugitive and had two open arrest warrants.