04/01/2025 – Police officers from the 23rd BPM (Leblon) arrested, on Saturday night (04/01), eight people from a São Paulo gang specialized in receiving cell phones in an apartment on Negreiros Lobato Street, in Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, South Zone, after being called by a robbery victim who shared the cell phone’s GPS. During the action, agents recovered 95 devices, among other electronic materials, and three vehicles.
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04/01/2024 – A man was arrested on Saturday afternoon (04/01), after showing his penis to a woman inside a BRT bus, at Magarça station, in Guaratiba, West Zone. The victim even took a photo of the criminal with his genitals out of his pants. Passengers held the suspect until the woman’s husband called BRT Seguro agents. A knife was seized with him.
05/01/2025 – An intense shootout between rival criminals in Morro dos Macacos, in Vila Isabel, North Zone, lasted for hours and caused moments of terror, on Sunday night (05/01). In the confrontation, a woman was shot inside her home.
05/01/2025 – A stray bullet hit a child’s room on Sunday night (05/01), during a confrontation in Morro dos Macacos, in Vila Isabel, North Zone. The affected apartment is on the 12th floor, located at the beginning of Botucatu Street, in Grajaú. The bullet went through the window and ended its course on the wall on top of the bed. No one was injured.
05/01/2025 – A man was arrested in a hostel in Praça da Bandeira, North Zone, for the rape of a vulnerable person, on Sunday (05/01), after being caught caressing the private parts of a 6-year-old child. The crime happened on Friday (03/01) inside a toy store in Saracuruna, in Duque de Caxias, in the Baixada Fluminense. The victim is the suspect’s goddaughter.
06/01/2025 – Agents of the 11th Police Precinct (Rocinha) arrested, on Monday (06/01), a man accused of posing as a lawyer to apply scams, especially to the elderly. The arrest took place in the Penha neighborhood, North Zone. According to the police, the suspect deceived victims who sought help to solve issues related to retirement. Even the lawyer who represented him in a lawsuit ended up becoming a victim of the scammer, who used the defender’s data to commit new frauds.
06/01/2025 – A 20-year-old man died, shot in the neck, on Monday night (06/01), in Vila Aliança, in Bangu, West Zone, during an attempted invasion by the Red Command (CV) of Vila Kennedy, Bangu. According to reports, men on a motorcycle passed by shooting. The criminals’ target would be a local drug dealer who was also shot and died on the spot.
07/01/2025 – A criminal was arrested on Tuesday morning (07/01), while trying to steal cables on Rua Eleutério Mota, in Olaria, North Zone. According to the PM, the man used a truck to transport the stolen materials. In the action, the police of the 16th BPM (Olaria) seized an axe, a cell phone, and 163 meters of telephone cables that were in the criminal’s possession.
07/01/2025 – Two men were arrested on Tuesday (07/01), in Cinelândia Square, in the Center, for selling dermocosmetics and medicines stolen from pharmacies. Part of the material had expired. Investigations began after one of the gang members confessed to the theft of the items. He said that the products were resold to street vendors.
08/01/2025 – An intense shootout between rival factions took place in Vila Kennedy, in Bangu, West Zone. In retaliation for the deaths of Monday night (06/01), drug dealers from the TCP of Vila Aliança tried to invade Vila Kennedy, controlled by the CV. At the same time, the Military Police carried out an operation in the community to dismantle the criminal actions and serve arrest warrants.
08/01/2025 – A car was stolen by armed criminals a few meters from a PM vehicle on São Salvador Street, in Laranjeiras, South Zone, on Wednesday night (08/01) and was recorded by a security camera. In the video, it is possible to see the driver parking the car on the road, right in front of Praça São Salvador. Then, the criminals arrive in another vehicle. Three of them get out of the car and approach the driver.
08/01/2025 – A 76-year-old man died on Wednesday morning (08/01), after being hit by a stray bullet on Rua Acaré, near Morro São João, in Engenho Novo, North Zone. According to the Military Police, a UPP team from this favela was on patrol when they were attacked by drug traffickers and reacted.
09/01/2025 – Residents of the Cabeça de Porco community, in Taquara, West Zone, experienced another night of terror on Thursday (09/01) due to an intense confrontation between drug traffickers from the Red Command (CV) and Pure Third Command (TCP). In videos circulating on social media, it is possible to hear the intensity of the shooting. A stray bullet hit an apartment in the Portal da Taquara Condominium, which is located on Rua Ariapó.