04/09/2022 – A man died after being shot in a bar on Olegário Maciel Avenue, in Barra da Tijuca, West Zone. According to witnesses, after an argument, a man shot the victim. According to the police, the man shot had already been arrested for scams, accused of leading a gang that cloned credit cards.
05/09/2022 – The Civil Police and the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro (MPRJ) carried out an operation to arrest a woman for scams in the sale of Rock in Rio tickets. Officers were trying to execute a warrant against Léo Moura’s sister, a former Flamengo and Grêmio football player, who is not the subject of the investigation. According to investigations, she used the fact that she was Léo Moura’s sister to sell fake festival tickets. Only one of the victims would have made a transfer via PIX to her of R$ 20,8 thousand.
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Our analysis:
The news above is not an uncommon situation and not restricted to the entertainment universe. Any event that moves the public can be targeted by scammers, who work with fraud and fake tickets. With that in mind, following some tips can prevent consumers from falling into a scam when buying tickets online.
- Avoid exaggerated sales: be suspicious of sites that practice values below the market or much above
- Research the company: before entering a website and buying tickets, check the company’s reputation. They are required to provide their corporate name, CNPJ, address and telephone number on the homepage. If you don’t find this information visible, don’t buy
- Check reputation: many consumers express their opinion about their experiences on complaint sites or on social networks
- Assess the security of the site: in addition to verifying the company’s data, check the security of the site. In the URL bar, instead of just “http”, “https” must be included – the letter ‘S’ indicates the adoption of stricter security protocols. Also, check if a padlock appears in the search bar. When clicking on it, a pop-up should appear with security information and site authenticity
- Beware of groups on social media: be aware when someone announces the sale of tickets on social media. The first step is to make a careful analysis of the advertiser’s profile
05/09/2022 – Four Colombians were arrested in Jacarepaguá, for stealing and applying scams in the area where Rock in Rio takes place. The group would have come to Brazil with the aim of committing crimes in the festival area. In the house where they were hiding, the police found tickets, badges and identification bracelets with Rock in Rio visual identity, in addition to cell phones, a radio transmitter and documents stolen in the area of the concerts and which were hidden inside mattresses.
07/09/2022 – Two male escorts were arrested after applying the spiked drink scam and stealing almost R$ 8 thousand from a 58-year-old man. The victim said he met one of the men on a dating app and they arranged to meet at a bar in Copacabana, South Zone. He then went to the criminal’s apartment, where he was held in private prison for 14 hours.
09/09/2022 – Rio de Janeiro Public Ministry arrested former Civil Police Secretary Allan Turnowski. He was arrested for criminal organization and involvement with the “jogo do bicho” (Illegal betting with numbers representing animals). Turnowski left office in March of this year to run for a federal deputy for the PL party. According to the investigations, he received bribes from the “jogo do bicho” and would be involved in a plan to murder another “jogo do bicho” leader Rogério Andrade.
10/09/2022 – Civilian police officers from the Botafogo Police Station arrested four members of a gang that carried out the scam known as “Chupa Cabra” at ATMs in the South Zone. According to investigators, the “Chupa Cabra” scam consists of inserting a device into a bank’s ATM that causes the victim’s card to get stuck in the terminal. The crime was concluded when the customer who had his card withheld at the machine called a fake phone. The number was placed on the cashiers on a sticker made by the criminals themselves. Then they would get the card password from the victim who left the card in the terminal. The group then made withdrawals and purchases with the stolen card.
Our analysis:
According to the Federal Police, if an error is produced during a transaction in an electronic terminal, be suspicious. If tampering is found or if the card is stuck in the electronic terminal, the account holder must urgently contact the bank and call the military police. It is important to remember that thieves can be outside the branch, so it is important, whenever possible, to make your withdrawals during business hours, when the movement of people is greater, and avoid the night period. Another tip is, when typing a password on the ATM keyboard, put one hand over the other in order to prevent any recordings or visualization of people who are around the ATM.
11/09/2022 – A family was robbed by two men in Jardim Botânico, South Zone. The robbery lasted just over a minute and was caught by a security camera. The images show a car with four people, including two children, arriving at the door of a residence. As soon as the vehicle parks, two armed men approach and all are surrendered. One of the criminals removes the driver from the vehicle and searches him. While an accomplice holds the woman and two children, the criminal takes objects from the back of the car and then gets into the car. The victims are forced to walk without looking back and with their hands in the air, while the second criminal still takes something out of the driver’s pocket. Then the criminal driving the vehicle maneuvers the car and the partner enters. The duo then leaves the place.
Our analysis:
During a robbery it is important to act with caution in order to safeguard your life:
- The moment the criminal announces the robbery, do not try to escape, running or accelerating motorcycle or car. In these cases, the criminal normally shots in the direction of the victim who tries to evade
- Never react, the criminal will probably shoot
- Do not make sudden movements, as the criminal may imagine that you are reacting or trying to pick up a firearm
- Always show your hands and follow the criminals’ determinations
- Before performing any movement (especially with your hands) verbally warn the criminal so that he does not get scared and end up pulling the trigger
- After announcing the movement, you intend to perform, do it slowly, without haste
- Do not look to the criminal’s face. If he thinks you are able to identify him later, he may react violently
- Do not try to trade goods at such a critical and dangerous time. Think only of your physical and mental integrity and therefore hand over all the belongings that the criminal orders
- Even if you are sure that the thief has a fake gun, do not try to dominate him, as they are always accompanied, and the partner can hurt you in the back
14/09/2022 – The Civil Police arrested four criminals who kidnapped and extorted money from victims posing as customers of construction services. Last Friday (09/09), they held an engineer hostage for four hours, who was only released upon payment. The kidnappers were detained on the Realengo Road, West Zone, by officers of the Anti-Kidnapping Department. The criminals forged meetings with construction professionals and, when they arrived at the appointed place, they abducted the victims.
17/09/2022 – A group of four youths was robbed on Eduardo Guinle Street, in Botafogo, South Zone, by two criminals. The robbery lasted less than 30 seconds and was caught by a building’s security camera. The footage shows a group of four people walking around 2 am. A vehicle approaches and stops with the door open, while an armed man approaches, and everyone is surrendered. After searching the youths, the robber takes a bag and then returns to the car.
21/09/2022 – Two tourists were robbed and assaulted by two criminals on Copacabana beach, South Zone. The crime took place on the beach and the minors were arrested on Avenida Atlântica as they tried to escape. According to officers on the scene, the criminals stole the cell phone of one of the victims when they were going to see the sunrise. The cell phone was recovered.
26/09/2022 – A joint operation by the Civil and Military Police in Complexo da Maré, aimed at containing an attempted invasion, ended in intense shooting. Five people died and 26 were arrested. Linha Vermelha, Linha Amarela and Avenida Brasil were closed, drivers had to seek shelter, leaving their vehicles and hiding behind obstacles during the shootouts. 07 rifles, 08 pistols, a replica of a pistol / compressed air, a grenade, approximately one ton of marijuana and 20 stolen cars and motorcycles recovered.
Our analysis:
It is important to note that the operations are intended to arrest criminals or to seize drugs. But also, the mere presence of police officers in a crime-controlled area are enough for a confrontation to take place. When there is an operation happening the risk of being hit by stray bullets increase. That being said, it is important to look for protection in every situation involving shootouts, even shot into the air: once a bullet reaches its apogee it falls and may hurt people in a crowded area. It’s advised to try to locate the source of the shots or confrontation and hide behind a suitable obstacle. And, if possible, leave the area.
- During summer months, mass robberies and thefts in touristic spots become the most prevalent security risks in Rio de Janeiro, specially in the city’s South Zone.
- Crowded beaches and its vicinities should be avoided.
- Avoid any display of wealth (jewelry, cell phones), but always carry a small amount of money (R$50) to hand over to muggers.
- In case of robbery: cooperate, do not try to run after the assailant as he or she might not be alone or turn violent.
- In the case of being in the immediate vicinity of a shootout:
- Lay on the ground and seek cover.
- When it is safe to do so, find the nearest building, stay away from windows, do not move unless you are sure that the gunfire has ended.
- Avoid walking alone in poorly lit areas or beaches after nightfall. Avoid walking through tunnels.
- Avoid the vicinity of crime-prone areas such as ‘communities’ (so-called ‘favelas’) and lower-income neighborhoods.
- Be always cautious, even in the areas considered safe such as Downtown, Botafogo, Copacabana and Ipanema. Exercise caution in the Centro during the day and avoid the area after nightfall and on Sundays.