10/05/2024 – The Court of Military Justice of São Paulo decreed, on Friday afternoon (10/05), the preventive detention of the soldier of the Military Police (PM) suspected of stealing weapons and ammunition from the 6th Battalion of the Military Police (6th BPM) of Santos. According to the investigations, a locker was broken into, and two Glocks were taken. In addition, ammunition and a bulletproof vest were also stolen. Vanessa Rezende’s fingerprints were found on the broken-into lockers. The investigation also points to the possibility of complicity of other people in the crime.
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11/05/2024 – A 15-year-old girl was called a “slut” and threatened by a 43-year-old man on her way home from school in Ponta da Praia, East Santos. According to the police report, the teenager was walking down the street towards her building when she saw the suspect, who started calling her a “slut” while shouting that people “wanted to kill him.” Before the girl crossed the road, the man swore at her again and told her to run. He also clenched his fists, implying that he was going to assault her. The man was in the same neighborhood and underwent a personal search before being arrested. A wooden spike was seized.
11/05/2024 – A 30-year-old woman was reported for mistreatment of her 2-year-old son inside the Miramar shopping mall in the Gonzaga neighborhood on Saturday (05/11). The Military Police would have been called by people who were in the shopping center and witnessed the aggression. When approached, she refused to say what had happened and began to utter profanity to the police. She was hospitalized and sent to the psychiatric ward.
12/05/2024 – A 43-year-old woman claims to have been ‘spied on’ by a drone while she was half-naked inside her home, on Sunday (05/12) in Santos. Frightened, she recorded the moment when the equipment flew over the property. Camila lives in a two-story house in the Vila Belmiro neighborhood. According to her, the ‘spying’ happened during the night, while she was distracted at home. On Sunday, journalist Cidinha Santos, 67, also saw a drone ‘spying’ on the building where she lives, in the Ponta da Praia neighborhood. According to her, the situation at the site is recurrent and even happens at ‘punctual’ times. In addition to Camila and Cidinha, a resident of the Marapé neighborhood, who preferred not to be identified, said she had gone through the same situation in March.