29/12/2023 – A man has been shot by the police in Pari, Centre SP, as they went to control him. Indeed, the officers noticed the man importuning 2 women, and decided to control him by approaching their vehicle. When the arrived near the suspect, he refused the control, pushed a knife, and attacked the cops. They had to respond by shooting at him. There is no information about his state of health nor about his prison.
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01/01/2024 – Man has been caught red-handed during the New Year´s Eve celebrations on Avenda Paulista, Centre SP, with 14 robbed cell phones. During a routine patrol during the event, officers noticed a man which cell phone fell from inside his clothes. They then decided to control him and found 13 more mobiles. As the man is a Colombian citizen, he was taken to the PF precinct for his placement in custody.
03/01/2024 – Old man with more than 20 police records has been arrested red handed by the PM for car robbery in Itaim Bibi, West SP. Indeed, the 61yo suspect has crimes of robbery, concealment, kidnapping, aggression and hasa even comitted 2 murders. The officers caught him after a call for a street fight. At their arrival, they only encountered the man in the car. After previous check, the cops noticed the plates came from another car. As the officers did not caught him stealing the car, they could arrest him for concealment, as the old man said he would resell the car for a higher amount he baught.
04/01/2024 – A man invaded a house after trying to rob 2 apartments in a nearby building in Tatuapé, East SP. According to first elements, the man invaded the building in the early morning but woke up to locator who cried for help. The bandit fled to another apartment but could not enter. He then went to a neighbour house and stole a cell phone and money while the owner was in. Police was alerted and deployed their helicopter, but the suspect ran away.