For the last 11 years, police killings increased in the Central and West areas of SP while decreasing in the East. Indeed, according to the Instituto Sou Da Paz, the increase can be caused by the rise of cell phone robberies. Yet, according to the Secretary of Public Security, the decrease in police killings can be caused by the deployment of the individual cameras used by the officers. In 2023, East SP counted 27 deaths by the police while West and South SP counted 44 and 43 deaths.
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08/03/2024 – A famous 79yo haute couture stylist was aggressed at his residence in Bela Vista, South SP. The crime occurred as the victim was returning home late at night and met his aggressors inside his apartment. He has been hit in the head and has been rescued by neighbors. The bandits fled without stealing anything. The police are now investigating.
08/03/2024 – A man died after having aggressed a police officer in Jardim Oriental, South SP. According to the Corporation, a patrol was asked to control a couple who were discussing on a public bus. During the control, they aggressed a female officer and tried to grab her gun. The man was shot and died at the hospital. Yet the injured officer passed to a corpus delicti.
09/03/2024 – A woman was caught red-handed trying to kill her 3yo daughter in Jardim Ângela, South SP. According to the report, a witness heard the child crying and shouting and saw the mother strangling her daughter. The witness tried to immobilize the woman and as she tried to grab a knife, other persons helped to contain the suspect. The mother has been arrested and charged with a homicide attempt. Yet, the child was rescued at the hospital.
10/03/2024 – Eight teenagers escaped from a youth detention center in Vila Leopoldina, West SP. According to the Corporation, the teenagers threatened agents to access the entrance of the detention center. The police have been actioned and already caught one. Investigation is in progress to localize and catch the others.
10/03/2024 – A fugitive Brazilian Yakuza was arrested in Cidade Kemel, East SP. According to the detectives, the man was wanted for a homicide committed in 2001 in Nagoya, Japan, when he and other Japanese and Brazilian Yakuzas killed a rival, hid the cadaver in a concrete gallon, and threw him into a river.
11/03/2024 – A gang suspected of bicycle robbery was arrested in Jardim Ângela, South SP. According to the Corporation, during a routine patrol, officers received a denouncement call about a group riding stolen bikes. During the control, the officers identified 2 stolen bikes and retrieved them to their owner. Those, at the precinct, recognized the bandits as the authors of the larcenies. The gang used to act on the bike path of the Rio Pinheiros, South SP.
13/03/2024 – A 44yo fitness center owner killed an electrician in Ermelino Matarazzo, East SP. Indeed, the 27yo technical had to cut the energy of the fitness center because of unpaid bills. The owner started to discuss with the electrician and the latter decided to get out of the center and continue on another mission. Arriving at a gas station, the owner, who had followed the professional, grabbed a gun and shot the young victim before running away in a car. A witness tried to assist the electrician, but he had already passed away.
13/03/2024 – Two bikers involved in assaults in Saúde, South SP. Indeed, according to residents of the district, the region has been targeted quite daily by the team since the beginning of March 2024. Security cameras in the area showed them following their victim and threatening with a gun. Instants after they were already assaulting others passing by in another street. The State Secretary of Public Security published a note that they are investigating the case to identify the bandits.
14/03/2024 – Road rage left one dead in Rio Pequeno, West SP. According to the police, a car driver cut up a biker and provoked the falling of his back passenger. A discussion and a road rage started. A few streets later, the driver of the car left his vehicle with a screwdriver and stabbed the biker at least 10 times. The victim died on the spot. Yet, the aggressor was arrested in the neighboring city of Carapicuíba.