26/01/2024 – Off-duty detective arrested a bandit in Itaim Bibi, South SP. The bandit arrived on a motorcycle in the street of the restaurant where the detective was. The officer noticed various cars returning their way and people running. When he approached to see what was going on, the bandit saw him and ran away. After a pursuit, the bandit lost control of the car and was arrested. He had robbed cell phones and watches.
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27/01/2024 – Drug addicts in Santa Ifigênia, Centre SP, emptied an Electronics retailer shop in 5 minutes. The owner of the shop told the police the damages were estimated up to R$300k. He also said he would have to close this selling point and dismiss 10 employees. Until the release of the article, the police arrested 4 suspects.
27/01/2024 – A Dutchman died after 15 days in hospital after a violent aggression in the region of Rua 25 de Março, Historical Centre of SP. Indeed, fellow citizens accompanied the victim when the “Gangue da Correntinha” assaulted them. By reacting, he was severely beaten and fell while running away from his aggressors. He stayed 15 days before dying in the hospital due to severe cranial trauma. The police are still investigating but could communicate that 3 of the 5 suspects were already identified.
28/01/2024 – Two volunteers were assaulted in front of the MASP, on Avenida Paulista. They were asking for signatures for a political affiliation when four men came and assaulted them. A patrol car passed just at this moment and the officers arrested two of the four aggressors. In their review, the officers found a knife, a brass knuckle, pepper spray, and two cell phones. The victims were driven to the ER and the aggressors to custody for criminal association and murder attempt.
30/01/2024 – Police arrested a gang for “sentimental larceny” in Jardim Peri, North SP. The bandits robbed more than R$ 7k from women in a dating app scam. The officers also seized important amounts of cash and credit cards of other persons.
31/01/2024 – A 6yo Venezuelan boy was found dead in Parelheiros, South SP. He had been missing since 27 January when he did not return from a football game with friends. Neighbors and witnesses went to the district precinct, but the police did not share any information about the case. The corpse presented cuts and burnings and is in autopsy to find the reason for his death.