Drug consumption in the of city Sao Paulo is a very important topic public authorities are trying to fight it, especially in the region of Cracolândia, downtown. Since April 2022, drug addicts started to be taken to the Hospital da Bela Vista, in the Central Zone of the city, to comply with a maximum hospitalization period of 90 days. This city governmental action aims at fighting drug dealers in the streets, and it started after the dealers moved from the Luz area – the original Cracolândia – to Princesa Isabel Square. The public authorities hope that by helping the drug addicts dealing with their addiction will make the streets less crowded and drug dealers will be more recognizable. This measure was strengthened by the Operation Caronte that was launched on May 11th, which tries to reduce the presence of drug addicts and make it more difficult for the traffickers to hide in the crowd. It is nevertheless to be noted that this action is implemented against the will of drug addicts, who do not give their consent to be taken to the hospital.
It is the first time that the municipal management resorts to this measure. In 2019, President Jair Bolsonaro sanctioned the new Drug Law, which authorizes hospitalization without the users’ consent.
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04/06/2022 – A group of six men robbed a jewelry store inside the Shopping Ibirapuera, in the Indianópolis neighborhood, in the South Zone of Sao Paulo. The armed robbers took six bag full of jewelry and fled the mall in two cars without being noticed by the security guards.
06/06/2022 – A man was stabbed to death in the afternoon after a fight between drug users at the intersection between Av. Duque de Caxias and Alameda Barão de Limeira, in Campos Elíseos, near the area known as Cracolândia, in the Central Zone of Sao Paulo.
Our analysis:
It is important, when you are aware that the place you are at is known for being a place where drug is highly consumed, to take an Uber or a taxi to go where you need to go, even if the distance to cover is small. Another option might be to bypass the area by extending your path of a few minutes. This may avoid you to find yourself into dangerous situations. Furthermore, drugs effect on drug consumers are very well known. They can impact the nervous system, thoughts, emotions and perceptions. Because of these effects, drug consumers can have unexpected reactions, which is why it is preferable to avoid places known for being spaces where illicit substances are consumed.
06/06/2022 – The Military Police of São Paulo seized more than half a ton of marijuana at night, in a bus garage in Jardim Ângela, in the South Zone of Sao Paulo. The material was hidden on the floor of the vehicle and was found after an anonymous tip. Two men with a criminal record were arrested.
06/06/2022 – A suspect died, and two others fled after an off-duty military police officer reacted to an attempted robbery on Estrada do Sabão, at number 759, in Jardim Maristela, in the region of Brasilandia, in the North Zone of Sao Paulo. The police officer was on his way to work when three men on two motorcycles approached him and announced the robbery.
07/06/2022 – A confrontation between drug addicts and the Metropolitan Civil Guard took place in the morning, in Cracolândia, in the Central Zone of Sao Paulo. Gas bombs were used near Princesa Isabel square, one of the points where drug users began to concentrate after the police dispersion from Helvétia St., in March.
07/06/2022 – Four criminals were arrested for the kidnapping of a teacher and the theft of money from her bank account, which occurred in May. The victim had to make transfers of around R$100.000 through Pix. She was taken by the criminals to Itaim Paulista, in the East Zone of Sao Paulo. There, they sent a photo of her to her family and asked for a ransom.
07/06/2022 – A truck driver and his wife were kidnapped by a gang, who stole money from them by Pix and threatened them with death for seven hours. The crime occurred in the morning, in Jardim Rincão, in the North Zone of Sao Paulo. The victims were released unharmed by the criminals and then called the Military Police, that managed to arrest the four suspects.
08/06/2022 – Men tried to blow up an ATM on the Av. Paulo Guilguer Reimnerg, in Grajaú region, in the South Zone of Sao Paulo, at dawn. The group set explosives in the ATM in an attempt to open the device, but the explosives failed, and the men were not successful in blowing up the machine.
08/06/2022 – A retired military police officer was shot in the back by a robber in the morning, in Rua Barão de Duprat, in Dowtown Sao Paulo. The victim’s state of health has not been disclosed yet. The criminal has not been neither identified nor arrested yet. It is not known if the criminal managed to rob anything.
08/06/2022 – A Traffic Engineering Company (TEC) agent was kidnapped inside the company’s car while writing down an occurrence, on Jacu-Pêssego Av., in the East Zone of Sao Paulo. Two armed criminals approached the victim and put a hood over his head. The same day in the afternoon, the criminals released the agent. Nothing was stolen from him.
08/06/2022 – A prison guard was shot dead by two criminals on a motorcycle while leaving a gym on a street in Butantã, in the West Zone of Sao Paulo. The prison guard reacted to the attack and shot dead one of the criminals while the other one managed to escape. The agent died of his injuries in hospital.