To avoid a strike movement, the Federal Government announced to federal employees the increase in benefits from May 1st and the installation of new specific negotiation tables until July, taking the focus off the debate on a linear adjustment this year, which would be the main demand from servers. In addition, on Friday (19/0), the government proposed a 9% increase for teachers and a 9.5% for federal employees in 2025. However, despite the progress, pressure for strikes from some groups of federal employees remains, with some already ineffective strike action.
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Term of Commitment
The Executive presented a term of commitment to the categories and representatives of civil servants believe that this document should be widely accepted, after the government’s willingness to remove from it a determination that workers who signed committed not to carry out strikes or stoppages. In exchange, the government offers a 51% increase in benefits for May.
On 3 April, federal public servants intensified pressure on the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and began a strike movement, in an escalation of the mobilizations for salary adjustments that had already been taking place in recent months. The actions almost compromised the Federal Government’s social programs.
Other careers began to undergo occasional stoppages, such as employees of the Central Bank, the National Treasury, the Federal Revenue Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), foreign trade analysts, and members of environmental careers (such as ICMBio and Ibama).
Central authorities rejected linear wage increases and any increase in benefits outside of agreements. Teachers from federal public institutions then decided to announce a strike, which began on 15 April, with the participation of 21 federal educational institutions. University technicians have been on strike since 11 March.
The worsening of the scenario led the government to call an extraordinary meeting with union leaders to avoid a worse scenario, reaching the current agreement to readjust benefits.
Readjustment Pressure
The president of the Single Workers Central (CUT), Sérgio Nobre, defended, on Monday (15/04), an adjustment for federal employees this year. Nobre said that going without a salary increase would only be in case of losing the negotiations, which could culminate in a strike in the country.
The unions and the government have been debating a solution to the labor demands of the categories for some time, however, in recent weeks there has been an escalation of pressure. New groups of employees went on strike or intensified strikes. Hence the call for an extraordinary meeting, which despite stabilizing, does not remove the threat of strikes or stoppages. Unions claim to be focused on obtaining an adjustment and the proximity of the Labor Day date may motivate actions. There is a good chance the increases proposed could be accepted by the union’s assemblies, solving the issue.