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30/01/2024 – A 22-year-old young man, identified as drug trafficking manager in Morro da Fortaleza, in the center of Angra dos Reis, was shot during a confrontation with the Military Police (PM). According to the PM, the operation took place after a report that an armed man was selling drugs. A team moved to the location, and when the criminals spotted them, a confrontation ensued. After the confrontation, the police found the young man lying down and with him drugs, a gun and a grenade. The fleeing gang ran into a wooded area.
31/01/2024 – A retired PF marshal was arrested by the Federal Police in one of his residences in Angra dos Reis. Indeed, he was running from a warrant since 2021 when he was pointed as an operational manager for sending illegal mining gold outside Brazil. He is also responding to other crimes such as criminal association, money laundering, contraband, embezzlement, and corruption. He was immediately taken to the PF HQ in Rio de Janeiro.