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Justice Minister Flávio Dino said on Tuesday (09/05) that there is an “connection” between some collectors, shooters and hunters, the so-called CACS, and organized crime. Criminals would have become CACS and CACS would have associated themselves with organized crime. According to the minister, most CACs do not commit crimes, but we have some of them who are at the service of criminal organizations.
The statement was made by the Minister of Justice at a public hearing at the Senate Public Security Commission. He also announced that the federal government has already confiscated 114 rifles and 1,146 pistols in 2023. During the year of 2022, 12 rifles and 135 pistols were seized. Part of these seizures were made by Operation Day after, triggered by the Federal Police (PF) shortly after the end of the re -registration of the CACS weapons.
Operation Day After
The PF went after the shooters and collectors who had the army authorized weapons but’12q were the target of open arrest warrants by various crimes, such as drug trafficking, murder, theft and corruption. At the time, more than 50 people ended up being arrested. Dino said that the PF seeks in particular the 6,168 weapons of large caliber (rifles and submachine guns) that were not re -registered. According to him, part of these weapons ended up in the hands of militia and drug traffickers.
Our Analysis:
In the Jair Bolsonaro (PL) government, arsenal in the hands of CACS grew 187% compared to 2018 and reached 1 million weapons in July 2022. Since the beginning of this year (2023), a decree signed by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) suspended emissions for new CACS registration certificates. The text also determines that weapons are re -registered in the Federal Police. One of the goals of the measure is to find out how many weapons acquired by shooters, hunters and collectors were diverted to organized crime. This is because investigations by the Federal Police and media sectors have discovered several schemes so that weapons bought by civilian snipers would reach organized crime and militia. Which cheaper the cost and allowed more powerful weapons to reach the hands of criminals.
Source: O Globo